Elwin vs. Hailey









Hailey and I have been working a TON lately. We’ve been redoing lots of different places around Kinzville – and, unfortunately, we haven’t always agreed about which way to decorate a space.

Although I love my sister, I definitely have a different sense of design. She tends to be very classic and simple, while I like to mix up crazier colors and patterns.

Since we’re both SUPER competitive, we thought it would be fun to have a design contest. Each day for the next week, we’re going to redecorate a spot in Webkinz World. We’re going to show you the original, then both of our designs. We’d love it if you told us whose design you like better! At the end of the week, one of us is going to rule the design world!


So Hailey, bring your best designs – it’s game on!

39 Responses to Elwin vs. Hailey

  1. cathouse2 says:

    That will be so cool! I can’t wait!


  2. dogs5678 says:

    Awesome! this sounds fun!

  3. 2cheerios says:

    Awesome! This is going to be so cool :)

  4. ruchirock says:

    I think you should each remodel a place, Hailey–Kinstyle Outlet Elwin–MC Tusky’s (I mean that walrus that was on those wall panels in November? LOL)room or something! Have fun!


  5. IVY400 says:

    I LIKE THAT IDEA ;} :>

  6. PrincessLuna4Ever says:

    Why would I be voting? They’re both just gonna clog it up with eStore. (I’m a W-Shop girl)

  7. iloveav says:

    Ya, Maybe do…hmm, let’s see…EVERYTHING! And, sorry Elwin, I do like a lot of Hailey’s designs, but also yours! Looking forward 2 it! iloveav

  8. amanda says:

    you should totally put a indoor swimming pool with swimming lessons.

  9. HamsterHuey says:

    This is going to be fun! I’ll be sure to vote. :)

  10. ruchirock says:

    I hope Hailey does her best, I’m rooting for her! But if I could use anything to decorate those rooms, I would be a winner! GO HAILEY!

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