Sneak Peek: Scooter Helmet













They say getting there is half the fun, but the trip to the mall just got even more fun, because SPREE! is offering some cool new prizes! The new prizes will be available starting March 28!

Remember to play SPREE! every day for a chance to win prizes like this rockin’ Scooter Helmet. You can win prizes on your journey by collecting shopping bags. There are five colors of shopping bags and when you collect one of each color, you win a shopping bag containing a fabulous prize.  Every roll takes you closer to the mall where you can spend credits to buy great items you can’t get anywhere else.

But you have to play to win so log in every day to play SPREE! and head to the mall!

32 Responses to Sneak Peek: Scooter Helmet

  1. Samantha says:

    I’ll try, but I do best I can afford first!

  2. lovepuppygirl says:

    I HAVE GOT TO GET THIS!!!!!!!!

  3. KYLEE says:


  4. cutipuf says:

    This is so awsome!!!!!!:)

  5. dewdrop says:

    Yeah, I was wishing the other day after my 30th piece of road that some new prizes would be great on Spree,and guess what my wish came true :) Thanks Ganz I am looking forward to winning a new Item :) dew Good Luck everyone :)

  6. webkinzmember says:

    Cool!!!! I hope I get it and the scooter!

  7. hisson14 says:

    hey my spree game is frozen does anyone know where i cAN Contact webknz because im almost at the mall i really need the prizes

  8. kameron says:


  9. dune456 says:

    Yea! New prizes.. I love webkinz.. I love the mall too/ Like the video games are the best and look really good in my rooms..

  10. MDIChickadee says:

    Oh! I *WANT* this helmet! It is so cool! My babysitting job went well today, and I am going to save my money to get something for my WebKinz pets!! Or maybe a new pet! And, since I was working (had to do chores this morning), I apparently missed WebKinz World being broken (or so I am told ….) So glad it is working again! Thank you to whomever fixed it for us! All the best! MDIChickadee

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