Fluffington’s Christmas Party

I just wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas.

My party was a huge success. I have to hand it to Hailey, Elwin and my old friend, Chef Gazpacho. They really seemed to know what Kinzville wants. Everyone enjoyed themselves immensely!

Even my Great Aunt Meriwether seemed to have a good time. At first I noticed that she kept trying to direct everyone’s attention to her collection of tea cups (she brought some with her, just for the occasion), but she soon cut loose and I swear at one point I think I saw her out the window making a snowman with Sparky and Molly in the yard. When she came inside she had snow in her hair – almost as if she had been hit by a snowball!  But I know that can’t possibly have been the case. I’m sure of it because when I mentioned it, she and Sparky and Molly all burst out laughing. Obviously they found the idea as ridiculous as I did.

Chef Gazpacho’s recipes were a huge hit. The children couldn’t seem to get enough of the chocolate Fluffles. I’m sure that it was the name that made them so appealing. And I must say, Chef Gazpacho made the most delicious meatballs I have ever tasted. I don’t know what it was in the sauce but it must have been very fancy and expensive to please my discerning palette. I’m not sure but I think maybe it was caviar. Yes, it must have been caviar.

All in all, readers, I think the party was a hit. I am so happy that I was able to open my home to the residents of Kinzville and I am so pleased to be able to share my hospitality with you too.

I hope that you are all having a happy and safe holiday and that you, like me, are surrounded by those that you love. What more can one ask for at Christmas?

So I leave you with the words of a great poet (I can’t remember the name – probably an ancestor of the St. Bernard family) – A Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

20 Responses to Fluffington’s Christmas Party

  1. chassy17 says:

    looks like u had fun

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