Focus on Friendship: What Makes a Good Friend?



What makes a good friend? We polled some of Webkinz World’s most famous folks and found out what they thought was the most important trait of a good friend.


Ms. Birdy – A good friend is someone who you can have a cup of tea with and never have to say a word to – you can just sit with them and enjoy each other’s company.

Plumpy – A good friend always has your back; they’re on your side and they’re always there for you when you need them.

Arte – A good friend understands your point of view…or tries to, anyway.

Doug – A good friend shares what he has and doesn’t keep secrets.

Fred Rover – A good friend is also your biggest fan!

Molly – A good friend never tells you that your dreams are silly.

Cowabelle – A good friend loves you for who you are.

Alex – A good friend encourages you to try new things.

Millie – A good friend will find worms with you. And stomp in the mud with you. And paint pictures and eat cookies and come over to play whenever you want.

What trait do you think is most important for a good friend to have?

42 Responses to Focus on Friendship: What Makes a Good Friend?

  1. teseera98 says:

    I think being a good friend means that:
    they will always be there for you no matter the case
    they will listen to you even when you vent about your feelings
    they care about you even when you act a little selfish or are mad at them
    they will be your biggest fan if you do a special activity
    they are willing to go anywhere with you (if you become famous, move, etc.)
    Remember, this trait also has to come from you as well. Not just them.

  2. imeeyore says:

    Everyone’s idea of a great friend is cool.Every friend needs to do everything FUN with you. :D bye

  3. merkeeper says:

    NOPE… never heard of bunny eraser. You mean the kind on the end of a pencil? :lol:


    HI! :) Do me a faver LOVE… BUNNYS BUNNIES BUNNYRABITS RABITS HARES BUNNY P.S my friend told me theyr’e is a bunny eraser. is there?

  5. starburst says:

    a good friend talks to you and understands you. random girl, u r soooooooooooooooooo random! :-p ;-)
    starburst :-)

  6. I like Elmo! says:

    random girl i agree with you! i LOVE Elmo! he is awesome!! and i am very weakly random meaning i am not near as random as you, but sometimes but almost never, i am random!

  7. Elm says:

    I have made some wonderful friends in Webkinz World! I look forward to shareing if I win something new that they may like I try to get it to them before they can get it for themselves. I enjoy listen when they are upset as they listen to me when I am upset as well! I just never want to let a friend feel that they ever have to go through anything alone!

  8. MadCows Are Awesome says:

    I like Arte’s. It sounds what I wrote for our journal prompt which strangely resembled this article. he he :) I wrote something like his, I wrote, “Traits that make a great friend are that they respect you for who you are, or tries to anyway. Also they have to have people skills. It is really annoying when they don’t :)

  9. maacookie says:

    A good true friend will Never leave you no matter how far you have gotten your self stuck in the bee hive while trying to get honey

  10. rachel says:

    These are so true about a true BFF. I’m glad Ganz is doing friendship month this month

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