Green Tip 1 from Salley: Reducing

Taking care of the environment is SO important. One of the easiest things to do is to reduce the amount you waste. For instance, carry your lunch to school in reusable plastic containers. You’ll instantly reduce the amount of stuff you throw out each day!


What other reducing tips do you have, friends?

22 Responses to Green Tip 1 from Salley: Reducing

  1. maisyndogsaver101 says:

    dont throgh away old toys give them to a friend it will be new to them

  2. Polarbear4Ever says:

    We just moved last week. Where we were before recycled almost everything. At our new house all I can recycle is corrugated cardboard, aluminum and glass. No cereal boxes, no tin cans, no plastics at all. :( :(

  3. polaroid3 says:

    I’d like to see major fast food chains OFFER recycling bins next to the regular trash. All those plastic cups and silverware, not to mention all the paper products. They tell us kids to recycle but don’t give us a real opportunity to do so. It would be so easy. And that’s a MAJOR place to remind people to be responsible for the trash we make. Plus they could turn around and sell or reuse materials. It doens’t make any sense to me why McDonalds and Starbucks and all the other major chains don’t step up to make a difference. By the way EVERYTIME we eat out I ask if they recycle, most times the answer is no.. Then I ask them to really consider the idea of it. I wish they would listen..

  4. jennifer says:

    If you use plastic water bottles, take a sip or two out and freeze them overnight. That I have cold water all day. I then wrap the bottle in a dish towel so I have something wet to wash my hands on after eating. Be sure to put it in a plastic baggie that you reuse because the towel does get wet as the ice melts. jenniferobbi

  5. lovepuppygirl says:

    Great tip Sally!!!!!!!! I love all you guy`s tips!!!!!!!

  6. Orange Starburst says:

    I would share all my tips but there’s just SO many!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Your friend Orange Starburst,*

  7. MDIChickadee says:

    Wow! What great tips everyone has! Thanks for sharing!! All the best! MDIChickadee

  8. Skiddly says:

    Hmm… at home I reuse grocery bags, and use them for many things, over and over. We never throw them away. We have too many now, so we’ve started using the reusable grocery bags, the fabric ones. They’re much bigger, never rip like plastic bags, and are environmentally safe. I’ve also heard that people wash plastic water bottles and plastic snack bags with their dishes and reuse them. I don’t buy plastic water bottles. I just use a water cooler. You just press the lever and water comes out, in cold or room temperature. We just reuse the bottles over and over, refilling them and wiping the top so bacteria can’t live there. I have much more ideas, but I don’t want to make a much longer comment!

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