Green Tip 2 from Salley: Reusing

Hey Everyone,

It’s me – Salley. Today I want to talk to you about reusing. Reusing is another thing we can do to help out the environment. When you reuse something, you use it again.

For instance, I noticed that Stoogles always brought his sandwich in a plastic bag. I asked him why he didn’t just invest in a sandwich container that he could use over and over again. He said that was a great idea! Now, he reuses it each day at lunch.

When school started in September, I still had my binders from last year. They were looking pretty rough, though. Instead of buying new ones, I decided to recover my old ones with fabric and decorate them with fabric pens – and they’re gorgeous! Instead of buying new, I just reused what I had.

Do you have any good examples of reusing, friends?

29 Responses to Green Tip 2 from Salley: Reusing

  1. cathouse2 says:

    When I sew stuffed animals, I reuse the left over parts of the fleece and stuff the animals with it! It’s a great way to recycle and it also makes the pets stand up better too! I love it!

  2. Catkin >^..^ says:

    What a fantastic bunch of ideas! Here’s one – we made a hanging “curtain” for a dance party by tying old or damaged CD’s every 6 inches on strings of clear fishing line. Hung strings & strings of them in the double doorway. They sparkled & spun & looked like they were floating in air. The guests loved them so much that at the end of the party we took them down & sent them home with people. Some of them are still up in people’s rooms as decorations.

  3. oscrgrchy says:

    Use clothe bags when you are going to the store but if you get a plastic bag they can be reused as garbage bag, make a craft, I have done pompoms out of them and wreath (cut is small strips and tie around a metal coat hanger you pulled into a circle shape) and then you decorate with weather proof decorations that you can change to match the season and hang on your door using hanger hook.

  4. fudgeyvanilla says:

    are backyard doesn’t really count as a garden. its a total rock garden! my mom is planing to make a homeade volcano. we just need a bunch of rocks, an empty zip fizz bottle! we can also reuse rocks by painting flat ones and using them as plant markers. or we can paint them for fun:)

  5. fudgeyvanilla says:

    my mom also recycles old keys and puts sheet music on them to make a lovely necklace! we also recycle pop cans and make them into pop can earings! and rarely, we make homade paper. theres lots of stuff you can do salley!

    • Flora & Fauna says:

      Fudgeyvanilla, it sounds like you and your Mom have lots of fun together on projects, too! :) If you would like 2 be my friend, my user name is Cabin4Christy. I would try really hard 2 be a best friend 2 u! :)

  6. Flora & Fauna says:

    My Gramma reuses the twist ties from baggies and packaged things from the store. She uses them 4 Halloween spiders on cakes, and lots of stuff. She uses the regular plastic grocery bags 4 her small garbage cans in the different rooms in her house, and they are easier 4 her to carry out to the bin in the alley. 4 Easter this year she used the cardboard from cereal boxes and other lite~weight cardboard 4 backing on the paperdolls she makes us. (She even saves buttons) :) I think she is really creative in recycling~ and we sure have fun together!!! :)

  7. fudgeyvanilla says:

    heres some other things we do. you know how restraunts throw out crayons? we get TONS of crayons! then we take’m back home and melt them in soap molds to make more, cute, healty crayons! (once we gave crayons and candy out to trick ‘r’ treaters on halloween.)

  8. fudgeyvanilla says:

    hah! m and my mom ALWAYS reuse stuff! for instance: i live in a neighobr hood were lots of houses are being built. after the wiring is in, they leave scraps of copper laying around (which my mom thinks is a total waste.) and we pick them up, and take them home to make stuff like paper holders, marble holders, and ornaments. (we are pretty crafty too.) so that an idea! i got more comin up!

  9. cinderlou9 says:

    Great advice about the sandwich container! Not only are you saving the environment, you are saving money by not having to buy plastic sandwich bags all the time. Another way to reuse something is to buy an aluminum or made for drinking plastic container for your water. No more water in plastic bottles to throw away and you save money too. Like Spring water? Get a filter for on your spigot and your tap water will taste much better! We need to save the planet and our resources for our future generations (I’m a mom and a grandma). Great ideas Salley, but we all need to remember to practice all these ideas every day, not just on Earth Day! Happy Earth Day everyone! cinderlou9

  10. Raven6334 says:

    Yes! This may sound a little sad, but when i was little, i used to make boats for my webkinz out of old chocolate boxes and stuff (-plastic ones)

    • sarahandlacey says:

      I love to reuse stuff! Your friend sarahandlacey! :lol: :mrgreen: ;-) :-) :roll:

      • dragon says:

        i’m not the environment type, but i try. reusing’s no fun, but i do what i can.

        • Time Bandit...our newspaper comes in bags says:

          We use the plastic bag that our newspapers come in everyday to pick up after our dog. :oops:

          • Kodiak...optimum says:

            And you should opt to use one on the yard now, or explain why you haven’t to my shoe

          • ~*blahblah*~ says:

            That’s wonderful!!! My mom takes all the scrap paper and recycles them ALL the time. and we recycle old bottles and cans and stuff. cardboard, paper, bottles, and cans ALL go to the recycling center!!!

    • Phoenix says:

      I like to reuse old yogurt containers for paint holders. And those Cashew Jars can be reused as Pencil Holders. And old Cardboard Boxes can be reused for an art project of some sort. And this can go on forever… ~Phoenix~

      • AlizaL14 says:

        I reuse old boxes for stuff for my plush Webkinz. I am going to use some old shoe boxes I have for props for my Webkinz story I am currently working on. ~ASL <3

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