Green Tip 4 from Salley: Things to do Every Day!

Hi Everyone!

It’s Salley here with a few quick green tips that you can do every single day – and help make the world a better place.

  1. Turn out the light when you leave the room.
  2. Turn off the water when you brush your teeth.
  3. Don’t litter.
  4. Reduce, reuse, recycle as much as you can.
  5. Bring your lunch in a reusable container.
  6. Encourage your friends to be green!
  7. Use both sides of a piece of paper.
  8. Don’t throw out recyclables.
  9. Start a compost pile.
  10. Walk or ride your bike instead of taking the car.


What other great green tips do you have, friends?

29 Responses to Green Tip 4 from Salley: Things to do Every Day!

  1. Gabriella♥ says:

    GO RECYCLING! I’m into all that blahblah stuff and all, and I think it’s TOTALLY AWESOME! Maybe because I went to a Recycling Plant (a real one, not all those phonies) and saw how they recycled stuff! I even saw them put in a faded pair of jeans in there! A few weeks later, when we returned to see how the recycled stuff looks no different than blahblahblah, I saw my friend admire this faded blue pencil with some dark bluish lettering… ♥

  2. CoconutCloud says:

    I’d walk to school, but it’s already 30 minutes away by bus! ~CC~

  3. Scoobarificus says:

    I would ride my bike to school, but my school is like 30 minutes away in a car.

  4. Orange Starburst says:

    I do ALL of these things. I am obsessed with these things. *Your friend Orange Starburst,*

  5. cathouse2 says:

    I do mostly all of those except for 5. I love to use both sides of the paper. I do that every day!

  6. Bingo says:

    We already do all except I have to ride the bus to school if my mom goes to work early. We live aver 5 miles from the school. We also recycle newspaper and we turn the shower off while we are soaping our body then turn back on to rinse off.

  7. MDIChickadee says:

    Great tips, Salley! Thanks. It is important to think about being green all day, every day. And HaileyHoneyBee – I completely understand about the dark!! :-) All the best! MDIChickadee

  8. HaileyHoneyBee says:

    I can’t agree with number one, I can do it if it is in the morning, but if I go somewhere late at night I usually leave the light on because I am scared of the dark, yes, I’m a scaredy-cat. ~*♥ HayleyHoneyBee~*♥

  9. jennifer says:

    Me too, except I don’t have a bike. jennifer

  10. Philadelphia Kinz says:

    I already do most of these ecxept for like number 7

      • Webkinz User says:

        i do everything except number 5 cause im homeschooled

        • Philadelphia Kinz says:

          Wow really??? i am too! but i have a co-op that i go to so i use a reusable container for that ;)

          • ^..^Starpelt^..^ says:

            Me too! I love being homeschooled. I do all the stuff even number five for field trips! Could you add me as a friend on webkinz Philadelphia Kinz and Webkinz User?
            – ^..^Starpelt^..^

          • Philad Kinz says:

            yeah! i’d love <3 to be your friend Starpelt! my user name is DuncanNut08 is yours CinderPelt or something else?

          • Philad Kinz says:

            oops just noticed another thing i got wrong . . . its STARPELT not CINDERPELT sorry about that Starpelt

          • ^..^Starpelt^..^ says:

            Its ok by the way my username has nothing to do with starpelt its blizzard775 – ^..^Starpelt^..^

          • Philadelphia Kinz says:

            thanks sorry was just wondering cause sometimes people do that :)

        • DogLove1 says:

          @ webkinz user: Agreed.

        • Aliza14 says:

          I am homeschooled and i take a chemistry class every Monday and Friday. I do all of those things except 5-10 because (1) I’m homeschooled so I don’t need to bring lunch anywhere (2) I don’t have very many friends (3) I actually do this sometimes, but not very often because its faster if you don’t in my opinion (4) My family can’t tell which is recyclable and which is not nor do they care (5) We don’t have a garden so what’s the point? and (6) My bike is old and needs repairs and it’s too far to walk or ride my bike to where I take my chemistry class. Don’t get me wrong, these are great ideas. My family just doesn’t see the practicality of “going green” in those areas if you know what I’m saying. ~ASL <3

    • PhoenixWind says:

      I always bring a reusable lunch bag. Plastic bags give you a bad reputation and impression. And I have a very high one of those! ~Phoenix Wind~

    • dragon says:

      i do all of those except 4 #9 b/c it’s my dad that runs the compost, not me. and i’m glad. compost stinks!

    • cookie crumbs says:

      i do all of those. every thing! even though i’m not an environment type. *the ultimate cookie lover, cookie crumbs*

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