Green Tip 4 from Salley: Things to do Every Day!

Hi Everyone!

It’s Salley here with a few quick green tips that you can do every single day – and help make the world a better place.

  1. Turn out the light when you leave the room.
  2. Turn off the water when you brush your teeth.
  3. Don’t litter.
  4. Reduce, reuse, recycle as much as you can.
  5. Bring your lunch in a reusable container.
  6. Encourage your friends to be green!
  7. Use both sides of a piece of paper.
  8. Don’t throw out recyclables.
  9. Start a compost pile.
  10. Walk or ride your bike instead of taking the car.


What other great green tips do you have, friends?

29 Responses to Green Tip 4 from Salley: Things to do Every Day!

  1. bev10bff says:

    I sometimes do number 7 but number 10 this the hardest. First, I don’t like riding my bike. Second,I don’t even HAVE a bike(weird I know but I got 60 dollars for it!). And third, my dad just LOVES to walk to school with me. but the problem is that his 62 so… yea. the only time he doesn’t walk with me is when my brother walks me home(happens like every two month! )=)

  2. musicgirl00 says:

    I don’t do compost (i’m sorry, but i find it gross!!!!)

  3. lovepuppygirl says:

    I do all of them except 10.GO GREEN EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!

  4. Doglove says:

    I can’t do #10 Because I live about ten miles away from my school plus we need to cross a freeway to get to school. ~Love from Doglove(or in some cases Moon Blue)

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