Halloween Party: Cancelled?

Hi! It’s Nibbles and I had a terrible day yesterday. Sparky was trying to help plan the class Halloween party and he was being totally unreasonable. Ms. Stripes already said no candy or costumes so I was trying to plan a fun party that didn’t include those things. You know, we could still have fun playing games and there are lots of fun Halloween treats that you can make that aren’t candy.

But Sparky is still hung up on the whole candy and costume thing and so he didn’t like any of the ideas I came up with. I suggested bobbing for apples and he said who is going to want to get all wet. So then I said we could do ‘Pin the Broom on the Witch’ and Sparky said that’s for babies. I had a yummy recipe for finger sandwiches that look like real fingers and Sparky said that was gross. But it’s Halloween! It’s supposed to be gross!

Anyway, I was getting so fed up of his negative attitude that I started to get mad and then Sparky got mad and then Roberta took my side (because I’m right!) But next thing you know, Ms. Stripes interrupts and tells us that a party is a privilege, not a right, and that if we’re going to behave this way in class she may have to rethink the whole party idea in the first place.

Good going, Sparky!

20 Responses to Halloween Party: Cancelled?

  1. EmiliaGG says:

    Hi Nibbles get together with Plumply and tell her the problem she has good advice

  2. Alexis says:

    Hi! I know he is annoying,but he dosen;t like any of those things. Talk to him. Ask him what he likes. Then try ton put what you want to do and he wants to do together.Like…….let’s say he wanted to play pin the tail on the donkey……and you wanted to play bobbing for apples. Maybe you could play pin the tail on the apple. Hee heee! Thanks!

  3. cathouse2 says:

    I’m sure you can fix the party, nibbles. Ms. Stripes must not like Halloween. >>cathouse2

  4. (upc@ke Love-I thought this was a Halloween party! says:

    Remember Nibbles, you and Sparky are two different people. You both will not agree on the same things. Why not take a pole and see who gets the most votes? That way its all fair. I so agree with you @ATeenageWolf, those are great treats! But why no costumes or candy at a HALLOWEEN party!? I thought it was HALLOWEEN! I bet Mrs.Daisy will let her class wear costumes and eat candy. No fair! ~BOO!~(upc@ke L<3ve

  5. sillycakes5 says:

    Mrs stripes wont let them wear coustumes seareasly

  6. motorgirl8 says:

    I don’t get it.

  7. Momofann says:

    Oh dear! You know, sometimes grown ups do know best. If you both take a day to cool off, I think you will feel better and be able to work together.

    • ATeenageWolf says:

      Uhh this is just like the argument between Roberta and Booger they can’t get along then they find a compromise… Anyways I don’t see a reason why Ms. Stripes won’t let the poor kids have costumes and CANDY… I just don’t understand … What would Halloween be without that stuff!!! I can only imagine what those poor kids Christmas Party will be like… :( Come on Ms. Stripes have some FUN that’s what the holidays are about!!!

      • fanofthefrog7 (I'm not logged it LOL) says:

        Wouldn’t they get a Christmas break or something? I do agree, maybe no candy but what is wrong with costumes?

        • ATeenageWolf.... I'm in the Halloween Spirt LOL says:

          I totally agree @ fanofthefrog7 maybe like Rice Krispies , cookies , small Halloween toys , Etc. instead of candy I mean you can get PLENTY of candy on Halloween Night !!! Hmm… Yah they’d probably get a Christmas Break but knowing Ms. Stripes she’ll probably give them homework or something over break…. Anyways we keep hearing about Ms. Stripes…. How’s Mrs. Daisy and her class doing?

          • fanofthefrog7 says:

            Yeah, we never hear anything about Mrs. Daisy’s class. And they probably would get homework. @ cathouse2 Not sure she doesn’t like Halloween, she just seems too strict and careful.

  8. dogs5678 says:

    wow sparky! just because there’s no candy doesn’t you can’t have fun!

  9. fanofthefrog7 says:

    In my opinion Ms. Stripes is still being harsh.

  10. opghty says:

    I know Sparky may seem annoying, but don’t play the blame game. That never solves anything. Why don’t you two work together and compromise? You can even come up with a new idea together! Come on, I know you can do it.

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