How to be a Good Friend

By Alex Tiger

For my school essay on how to be a good friend, I decided to write about my best friend, April Keymon. I don’t get to see April as much anymore since she moved but she is still my best friend. That’s because she always supports me. Sometimes I can be a bit shy, and I can always count on April to stand up for me because she is not afraid of anything! She always has a positive attitude and encourages me to try new things without being too pushy. That gives me courage even when I am feeling nervous.

April and I always share with each other. We love buying candy from the W Shop but if I forget my KinzCash, April always gives me half her candy. I don’t even have to ask!

I also like the way April always listens to me when I need someone to talk to. I know maybe she doesn’t completely understand what it’s like to feel shy and scared – she is the bravest Webkinz I know! – but she will still let me talk about my fears without making fun of me.

April never lies to me – even when she has bad news, like the time she told me she was moving. She is also not afraid to say she’s sorry when she has made a mistake. I think that’s brave too and that’s one way I am trying to be more like April.

I think that one of the things I like best about April is that she is so different than me. She is loud and funny and brave – all the things I am not! We might not always agree on everything, but we always try to understand each other’s point of view and when we disagree, we try to find a solution that works for both of us. That’s called ‘compromise.’

There are so many reasons that April is a good friend, but the very best thing about April is that she always makes me laugh!

13 Responses to How to be a Good Friend

  1. Islandgirl says:

    That’s great that you care so much about your friends. I do too! : D

  2. Anberlin says:

    aww!….. how sweet

  3. dune456 says:

    I think the way you and ur friend act is awesome!! It’s hard to own up to mistakes BUT it’s better to face things right away and with the truth than to cover with lie. Trust me!! I’ve learned the hard way with my mom. She always says the truth’s punishment will be way better than if i get caught in a lie.. Boy is she right..

  4. kk775 says:

    it sounds like romance cause alex is a boy and april is a girl. LOL

  5. Animefriend P-C,S says:

    That is what are friends for! I have friends too that I had to let go cause I moved. I still write them letters to the school. I just remembered thatIi have a friend who lived far from me, and she is one of my pen pal. I wanted to help her out cause she does not have many friends where she is presently. Its been a while, I must write her a letter right now! ;)

  6. BobeinieMiller says:

    Wowww ur a grrrr8 friend i want 2 have a friend like u!!!!! u and ur friend soud like u have lots of fun together!!! :) lol hahahahaha well do u and ur friend go to each others house??????lol

  7. :) says:

    That was so sweet.

  8. Weird and cool says:

    April sounds like a good friend, and so does Alex! :smile:

  9. PrettyBirdie says:

    April is lucky to have you for a friend, too, Alex. You are appreciative of another person’s gifts instead of just thinking of yourself. <3

  10. motown17 says:


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