Miss Daisy’s Assignment








You will not believe this! It’s almost a whole week into June and our teacher, Miss Daisy, gives us this big geography project today! We have to write about how the warmer weather of summer affects the water levels in the various regions of Webkinz World. Um, hello? Doesn’t she understand how this is supposed to work? June is supposed to be a breeze – we just hang out until the end of the school year. Nobody actually expects to do any work! Cowabelle and Roberta are actually all excited about it! What is wrong with them? They were chatting about how much fun it’s going to be and trying to decide which region of Kinzville they will cover. Now I really cannot wait until the summer holidays when I am planning to do NOTHING! (Other than some awesome fun in the sun, that is!) This is so not cool, Miss Daisy. So not cool.

45 Responses to Miss Daisy’s Assignment

  1. WebkinzEmily says:

    Well, I got out on Friday, and I didn’t have much homework, only a little math, which I love. :) So Sparky, even though you do have work to do, at least it’s something fun.

  2. cajm6811 says:

    Little confusing but I got it

  3. FashionLeopard says:

    You’ll do great, Sparky. P.S, Today was my last day of 5th Grade. Congratulate me!

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