Molly’s Family Christmas








You’ll never believe what happened yesterday. I’m still having a tough time believing it myself. It all started when Millie and I got home from school. Millie was babbling about wanting me to play with her dolls and then finger paint and who knows what else, and I just wanted to sit down and chill for a bit. I tried to hide out in the kitchen, but my mom was waiting for us. She had a big mug of hot chocolate and a plate of cookies for each of us – that should’ve been my first clue that something was up. Mom is definitely NOT OK with us eating cookies before dinner. Anyway, Millie and I sat down and enjoyed our snack – and then mom decided to spring the news on us.

Our family – our ENTIRE family – is coming to spend Christmas with us.

Now, I know SOME ‘Kinz who would be super-excited about that. But the thing is, I’ve got twenty-five relatives on my mom’s side. Twenty-five. And our house really isn’t that big. Plus, some of my relatives are just…awful. Like my twin cousins, Bobby and Robby. And my Uncle Maury. And my great-great-Aunt Lynette. And my grandma is ALWAYS telling me to be polite sit up straight. My grandfather is constantly reminding me to be nice to my younger cousins – and there are ten of those running around! Most of them are around Millie’s age, so she gets along just fine with them. But me? I’m the oldest. The next in line are Bobby and Robby, and after they drew some VERY unflattering cartoons of me on my bedroom door (in permanent marker), we haven’t exactly been friends.

The long and short if it is that they’re all coming in five days and they’re staying until Christmas. I may just move out to the tree house until the New Year. At least it’ll be quiet out there. 


31 Responses to Molly’s Family Christmas

  1. Tjsie says:

    Hmmphh! I have an Aunt Lynette, and she is one of the nicest people I know! So there! :(

  2. nstoeckert2000 says:

    i could see how you would feel, that is a lot of people to have in ONE house! maybe you should just try to be nice and have fun with everyone! :-]

  3. zebrakids says:

    you know what everyone needs to stop crying and realize that its christmas. Stoogles and salley nedd to get back to being friends. Cowebelle shorten your list and maybe stop worrying about what other people are getting you and worry about what youre getting them. Molly just be grateful because at least you get to see your family this year. And fluffington go say sorry to everyone you were mean to or you will not have any friends.And roberta stop worring about what cowebelle said youre gifts are amazing. So everyone stop the drama and be happy and grateful.

  4. FoxPower says:

    That sounds like it will be quite challenging. One thing to do with your older relatives is to ask them what things were like when they were your age. Tape recording their answers can make a neat report for school and it will make them happy to be listened to..That is called making an “oral history”. Good luck!

  5. PrinceCaspians#1fan says:

    Aw, poor Molly. I know how that feels, I am the oldest in my entire family of kids as well. And let me tell ya, it ain’t fun. But I try to make the best of it and I create games for the younger ones to play with and prizes. Now they have all grown to love me and call me “The game person” And the great thing is, they are NOT coming over for Christmas this year! I am going to them! IN NEW ZEALAND!!! I can’t wait!


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