Molly Pig Writes Home







Dear Dad,

Thanks so much for the muffins! Everyone loved them! I don’t suppose you could maybe (pretty please) send some more?

Guess what? We started canoeing lessons this week! It was really weird at first though because our first lesson we didn’t even go in the water! Amanda had the canoes on the beach and we all had to sit in the canoes on land to learn how to sit properly and hold our paddles and she taught us all about canoe safety. It was kind of interesting but really – who wants to go canoeing ON the beach?

The next day though we actually got to go in the water. Polly and I shared a canoe and at first we just kept going round in circles! It was kind of embarrassing – everyone was laughing at us, but then Amanda waded over to us and said that I was rowing too hard and Polly was rowing too gently and if we were going to get anywhere we’d have to make sure we were both rowing at the same pace. So we practiced for a bit and we started to get really good at it.

Benny was fooling around almost the whole time (big surprise!) and fell out of his canoe! It was okay because we all had our life jackets on, but Cowabelle said it was payback for when he knocked Sparky into the water last year!

Today we just paddled around near the beach but Amanda said that tomorrow we will be going on a trip upriver! I can’t wait!

Lots of love,


P.S. Don’t forget to send more muffins, ‘kay?


25 Responses to Molly Pig Writes Home

  1. AMM098 says:

    Hey! Cool story! It attracted Molly too! Cool!


  2. finemilkchocolate28 says:

    I wish I could go canoeing, but I never learned how!

  3. Me says:

    Canoeing is fun! I went Canoeing once with my 2 friends. It was awesome!

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