Ms. Stripes’ Class Halloween party







Sparky (aka Count Sparkula this month) here! Okay, so remember how first Ms. Stripes was really tough and then she got really nice, and I thought someone must have given her a brain transplant? Well, I’ve got good news and bad news. The good news is that for the most part the nice Ms. Stripes seems to be here to stay. The bad news is that the old Ms. Stripes seems to be rearing her head when it comes to planning our class Halloween party.

First of all, she says no candy. What?! How can you possibly have a Halloween party with no candy? Halloween is all about candy! Second, she said that we can’t wear costumes because they are a hazard – that we might trip over our cloaks at recess or that they would impair our vision and make us walk into a tree or something!

 If we can’t have candy and we can’t wear costumes, then what is the point of even having a Halloween party?

38 Responses to Ms. Stripes’ Class Halloween party

  1. zeph317 says:

    Sparky, she’s the teacher; you aren’t. There may be a school-wide policy in place, but if not, she is still the teacher. I think you need to stop complaining whenever something doesn’t go your way. You are going to have a tough time in life and handling disappointments if you don’t. I like tinygma’s idea of sharing. Maybe you could ask Ms. Stripes what she thinks of it.

  2. Lala says:

    Oh Sparky, Ms. Stripes sounds like a very contrary teacher. We LOVE Halloween & even make & donate costumes to the 2 elementary schools (even though my girls are homeschooled) for Halloween so that the less fortunate kids do not feel left out & can join in the trick or treating after school. I’m not sure what grade you are in, but I think that every class in elementary school should be able to wear costumes & have some sweet fun for the end of the day Halloween Party. After all, you are only young once & should have all the fun you can have. Perhaps Ms. Stripes will have a change of heart, but if not, maybe from lunch on until school lets out your class can have a pizza party for all with fruit punch & yummy snacks, make some spooky arts & crafts, then watch a scary movie such as “The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad” or “the Halloween Tree.” No matter what, I hope & all of your friends have a Happy Halloween!

  3. >^..^< Catkin says:

    I have to agree with Random reader. Sparky is whining about candy! Geesh! Come to think of it, Sparky’s been whining about darn near everything since the start of summer! Get over it & plan your own party with whatever you want outside of school! And while you’re at it, please stop whining!

  4. Evan says:

    hey, at least you’re having something. We’re not allowed to have anything, anymore. They took away our parade & party!!

  5. Batluver says:

    Our school doesn’t allow costumes on our Halloween parties either. We get candy, but not that much.

  6. fanofthefrog7 says:

    I agree Sparky. That is harsh.

  7. Frances says:

    AHHH!!! NO COSTUMES OR CANDY?!?! WHAT KIND OF HALLOWEEN PARTY IS THAT?! The best thing you can do is just not show up; have your own party with your friends! I know that’s what I’d do!

  8. Karis says:

    Nothing!! that’s crazy!

  9. lovepuppygirl says:


  10. cathouse2 says:

    Sparky, that does not sound like fun. A Halloween party is where you bring CANDY and COSTUMES. I hope Ms. Stripes changes her mind. >>cathouse2

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