My Great Webkinz Collection

Congratulations to Casey, Cammi, Carlie, Maddy and Robynn.We wanted to see your awesome Webkinz collections! Each winner has been contacted by email and will receive the secret code of their choice. (Some limitations apply.)

Check out these amazing Webkinz collections!






92 Responses to My Great Webkinz Collection

  1. Anna says:

    If only I knew about this contest! Oh well, congrats to the winners! If you guys every make another contest like this, I’ll be sure to enter!

  2. Isabela says:

    Wow!!! Almost every picture has a PANDA!!! I LOVE PANDAS!! I even have a PANDA!!

  3. Isabela says:

    Oh my gosh!!!! I love Maddy’s!! I really do love peace and, wow, you have a lot of Webkinz!! That is soooooooo much Webkinz!!!!

  4. Webkinz User says:

    carile has less then me! I can believe they won!!!!!

  5. kitty-cat-lover says:


  6. Emma says:

    That is sooooo cool. I only have 27 webkinz, but I just got a bat yesterday, my collection will soon grow. Congrats.

  7. Cassie says:

    I wish I had that much Webkinz! That would be so cool! If those are all online, I betcya I would have a huge house! And Maddie, I love your pic! Too cute! And if anyone wants to be myfriend, I’m limegreengirl842

  8. HarryPotterFreak says:

    I should have entered! I have 80 webkinz, 2 kinzklips, and 1 zum. So pretty much I have 83 webkinz.

  9. Nicole says:

    Maddy’s is my fav. or maybe carlie’s. i like them both. i entered the blue springtime chick contest. who else did?

  10. webkinz no.1 FAN says:

    WOW!!! even the lowist amownt of webkins were ALOT more than mine!!! ps. i know i spelld this wrong. :(

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