Sparky’s A-Plus








You guys? You guys! I can’t believe it. Something outstanding happened today. I passed my math test.

Me! Sparky Fact!

And not only was it a pass, it was actually an A+! I absolutely, positively, one hundred percent CANNOT believe it. I had to look at the paper several times to make sure I had the right test in my hand (and that it wasn’t Alex’s or something).

I can only attribute this to one thing: the lucky rock. It really, really works.

42 Responses to Sparky’s A-Plus

  1. pric355 says:

    Wow! Congratulations! And, yeah, I fail in math all the time. ._.

  2. dune456 says:

    Well I beleive in luck and trying ur hardest.. Congrats Sparky good for you!..

  3. SapphireSea says:

    That’s great! Y’know, I don’t like math either. In fact, I hate math, almost always have. Congratulations on your A+!

  4. Bluepeso says:

    Are you really that gullible????

  5. Gabriella♥ says:

    How did the Kinz do that? It’s like working up a miracle! LOL


  6. CoconutCloud says:

    Now how did the Kinz come up with THAT? :?:


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