Nibbles’ Family Takes the Plunge

Okay, I don’t want to be a disloyal sister or anything, because Plumpy is the best sister ever, but can I tell you something really cool that happened since Plumpy got married and went away and my parents came home? My mom and dad decided to get a pool! A POOL! Can you believe that? That wouldn’t have happened if Plumpy were still in charge!

It is so nice having my very own swimming pool in my backyard! It’s been a really hot summer here and, as long as my mom or dad is around, I can just dive in any time I want to cool off. I’ve been having such a good time.

Then something kind of interesting happened the other day. I was hanging out in the pool, when my mom said some friends were at the front door. I went through and there were Purr-Cilla, Penelope and Janice. Weird, huh? They came to ask me if I wanted to hang out. I told them sure, but I would have to change out of my swimsuit, but they said that hey, they happened to have their swimsuits with them so why didn’t we all have a swim in my pool?

So that’s what we did. It was actually fun. I’ve never hung around with them that much, but all three of them were being really nice to me. When we finished swimming and they were getting ready to go home, Purr-Cilla told me that it was so much fun, we should do this more often, so I told them they were welcome any time.

When I was talking to Molly later, she seemed kind of surprised to hear I went swimming with those three but, why not? I mean, it’s good to explore new friendships, right?

35 Responses to Nibbles’ Family Takes the Plunge

  1. smatos says:

    hi nibbles i hate to say it but i think that your friends are taking advantage of you sorry…………. but anyways congrats on the new pool!!!!!!!

  2. rosega says:

    Yea its pretty obvious that those girls r just using u :(

  3. joan says:

    Nibbles please be careful in the pool and safe never swim alone. If they are your new friends only since you only got the pool I would wonder but give them a chance and have some fun. Your firend.

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