Nibbles Hippo: Reporter



It’s me, Nibbles Hippo, here to recap all the awesome stuff that’s been happening so far today.

The day got off to an exciting start with an Easter egg hunt at Fluffington’s mansion. Every year, the entire town goes to find the eggs. Grownups, kids – everyone! And every year, one egg made of solid gold is hidden among the rest. This year, Salley found it! She was so excited. Purr-Cilla just glared at her and stuck out her tongue. Jealous much?


Millie is now 100% sure that Roberta actually IS the Easter Bunny. She saw Roberta putting a basket of goodies on her porch and, well, that pretty much sealed the deal! Roberta tried to explain that she just made the basket for Millie, as a gift, but Millie would hear nothing of it. Roberta eventually gave up trying to explain, and just let Millie hug her and thank her profusely.


Speaking of Millie, everyone is looking forward to seeing her in the parade – which starts in an hour, by the way! I’ve got to get going and get a good place up front, so I can see all the action!

Happy Easter!

23 Responses to Nibbles Hippo: Reporter

  1. lovepuppygirl says:

    I`m having a great day so far!!!!! Hope you all are too!!!!!!!

  2. gkvfflowergirl says:

    I’m so sad. This year for 3 straight years in a row, I won’t be able to celebrate Easter. Hopfuly I can next year. Hope I can celebrate Easter before I turn to old.

  3. Skiddly says:

    Happy Easter everyone! All the “Kinz (that I know of) are: Salley, Alex, Sparky, Polly, Molly, Roberta, Stoogles, and Laurabeard MIGHT count… not exactly sure. Hope I helped, anyway, cubgirl7!

  4. Catkin >^..^ says:

    Cubgirl7, go to Kinzapedia on Webkinz News. Click on Characters. They are all listed there. – Catkin >^..^<

    • Maria says:

      some of them aren’t members of the kinz crew, like that polar bear, plumpy, tabby von meow, enorma, purr-cilla, nafaria, maddie, those two chefs, etc. ♥♥♥♥ Maria

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