Nibbles Hippo: Nervous







Nibbles Hippo here with a bit of a problem.

See, my big sister Plumpy got engaged. That’s totally great and everything. I really like Charles Rhineholt, and Plumpy is a lot older than me, so I kind of figured this might happen. But now, what’s going to happen to me? Right now, I live with Plumpy and her best friend, Wiggles.

You’re probably wondering about my parents, right?

Well, they’re scientists.  They’ve been working on the KinzSpace Station for years – in fact, I haven’t even seen them for over a year, although they do call whenever they’re back on solid ground (and they email all the time). Their mission is supposed to be over at the end of this year, so I know they’re coming home soon. And…I guess that means I’ll live with them again. But what about their next mission? Will I have to move?

I really wish I had some answers. I don’t want Plumpy to leave, but Charles travels all over Webkinz World. He’s a famous historian, and he’s always giving talks and papers and stuff. But now that he’s going to be married, maybe he’ll stay in Kinzville? Maybe he’ll stop traveling and move into our house?

Maybe my parents will come home, Plumpy and Sir Rhineholt will move in next door, and Wiggles will get the house on the other side. That would be just perfect.

I don’t want my life to change. I really like it the way it is now.

I know nothing ever stays the same. I just wish I could stop time for a little while.

34 Responses to Nibbles Hippo: Nervous

  1. morgan711 says:

    i hope they move into the house. you should be excited!!! mabye you will be the flower girl

  2. puppylover says:

    VERy very sad

  3. Swedishpride says:

    It’s OK Nibbles!! Remeber all the fun times you had with Plumpy! You’ll be just fine :)

  4. livynicole says:

    it is ok should be living a happy life not a sad life.

  5. AngelBetsy says:

    Poor Nibbles! I mean it wonderful that Plumpy is getting married but… Sigh, now Nibbles has many ploblems on her shoulders. Shame on her family for not explaining what gonna happen to her .Oops, sorry for being harsh :oops:

  6. Possumellaroo says:

    I understand that you might be a little scared to move but try to keep an optimistic attitude and everything will work out fine! Make a list of good things about moving! Try to imagine what your new room will be like, or your new school! both will probably be amazing! It will be nice to meet new people. As for your old friends, you could be pen pals! Who knows? You might find sending your old friends pictures of your new house or apartment fun! You might even become a great photographer! You could end up moving somewhere cool like the tropical island!!! All i can say is keep your head up and keep your feet on the ground… (until you become an astronaut) Best of Intentions,

  7. SapphireSea says:

    That’s awful. I don’t know what to tell you, Nibbles. Try talking to Plumpy, she should be able to answer your questions, she is, after all, and advice hippo. I’m sure she’ll understand, after all that’s a huge change. It’ll be fine, Nibbles, you’ll see.

  8. lightpapa says:

    Maybe you could e-mail your mom and dad about this, and talk to Plumpy. And maybe talk to Wiggles or Sir Rhineholt about it.

  9. MillianasLoft says:

    It will all work out great, Nibbles! :) :) Where is LillyLuvie? I miss seeing her postings.

  10. Invisible16 says:

    Nibbles, My cousin was in the same situation. She had been staying with my family ever since she was five. She ended up staying with my family, but she had been really scared. Everything turned up fine though. you’ll see……as time goes on….


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