Pink Gift Game








Hey there! Stoogles here with a great idea for any party – and in this case, for the Pink Party!


Everyone loves opening gifts, right? Well, what if EVERYONE got a chance to open the same gift? Sounds crazy? Listen up!


What you need:

10 sheets of newspaper or large scrap paper, 5 sheets of tissue paper, small gift or candy, ribbon


What you do:

  1. Put the small gift in the centre of a piece of tissue paper. Wrap the tissue paper all around it. Wrap four more tissue paper sheets around it. Wrap the whole thing in pieces of ribbon (tie them in place).
  2. Add layers of newspaper, tying ribbons where you need to in order to keep the whole thing together.
  3. Finish the gift off with a giant a ribbon!
  4. Sit in a circle with your friends. Pass the gift around the circle and remove the ribbon and the paper.  Everyone can only remove one layer of paper or ribbon before passing it along.

The person to unwrap the last layer of tissue paper gets the gift! 

29 Responses to Pink Gift Game

  1. SpikeDunbar says:

    Wow! ok so not that wow, but at my party [ it was awsome!] we did the same only with newz paper and no ribbon. We call it pass the passel! When you are at the last layer there is a big prize like a chocolate block! *hopping your way* -bunny-[:

  2. Josie says:

    I used to play this at my birthdays quite a few years ago!! lol :) I love it!

  3. the critic says:

    this game sounds fimular to me. :/

  4. uber fantasia says:

    what a uberrific idea!

  5. jaybeesmile says:

    Better idea so everyone is a winner, wrap ONE gift in EVERY layer, stickers, notebooks or little candies
    Each time someone opens a layer, they get a gift!!!
    Great for little kids and you can switch between boy and girl presents so everyone gets something just for them!

  6. lili says:

    Love this idea ♥ :)

  7. furryfeather75 says:

    I would never win games like this..

  8. horses4life says:

    i played this game but funer! you take the gift all wrapped up, have two dice, and mittens. what you do is the first person to roll a six puts on the mittens and trys to open it before the next person rolls a six! it’s so fun i played it in my cross country team dinner! :)

  9. Shadowstorm says:

    I love this game! Although, I never did win it…

  10. Karina says:

    I want the gift!

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