Plumpy: Being a good virtual friend






Dear Plumpy,

Today at school, we were talking about how to be good virtual friends. Maybe that’s something you should share with your readers. Just a thought!

-          Virtually Awesome

Dear VA,

Great idea! Being a good virtual friend is just as important as being a good friend IRL (that’s In Real Life). Here are some things to remember about how to act online:

1. Treat others online the same way you’d treat them in real life (and the same way you’d want to be treated). So that means being kind to people. Bullying is not acceptable in person or online.

2. Don’t spread rumors or talk behind someone’s back. It’s far too easy for your email to end up in the wrong hands. You wouldn’t want to read an email about people saying unkind things about you – no one wants that.

3. DON’T WRITE IN ALL CAPS. It looks like you’re yelling, even when you’re not.

4. Don’t write emails when you’re mad. If you’re angry, take a step away from the keyboard…actually, take many steps away! Do something else – read, talk to someone in person about your feelings, draw a picture – just take a breather. When you’re mad, you might not be thinking clearly and you may respond more strongly than you normally would.

5. Don’t be aggressive, impolite or mean in forums – remember your manners.

The most important thing is to remember that your actions and words have an effect on other people – and you can make sure it’s a positive one. Be as awesome online as you are in real life!



34 Responses to Plumpy: Being a good virtual friend

  1. laney says:

    how to i write to plumply?

  2. katelyn says:

    i love webkinz

  3. Snowball says:

    Thank you for the advice. People must think it is okay to be mean or hurtful on the computer, because no one knows they are. Someone still ends up having their feelings hurt. Let’s all be kind to one another !

  4. WebkinzGuru says:

    Very good advice, certain people I’ve come across on Webkinz should read this…

  5. starburst says:

    hey. what’s the ‘girls rule ‘ thing? also, lexi, what’s not fair?
    starburst :-)

    • Tumble says:

      Lexi thinks that it’s not fair that we shouldn’t be using caps really often. Basically, she’s saying that it’s good to yell all the time.BTW, GIRLS RULE is a commenter on WKN who uses caps in EVERY comment she makes.

  6. B u ll e t* says:

    BUT… :roll: .. Writing in CAPS :cool: gets me NOTICED… :lol: It is EASIER :!: to read something that STANDS OUT :mrgreen: … :oops:

  7. Eowyn says:

    So if i talk behind someones back, its wrong? Well then i should be very nice to other people. I will never be mean to anybody again.

  8. driver104 says:

    Good info!

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