Plumpy: Breaking Bad News



Dear Plumpy,
My BFF asked me to go to her cottage in July, and I said yes – but that’s before I knew we were going to visit my grandma that same week! I definitely can’t get out of seeing my family (and I really want to see them,  anyway)…so how do I tell my bestie this bad news?

-          Too Much Vacation

Dear TMV,

I wouldn’t worry too much – I bet you and your BFF can figure out a solution to this scheduling conundrum. Maybe you go to her cottage a week later…or even in August. I’m sure she’ll understand that you have to visit your gran. I find that when you have to tell your BFF news that isn’t exactly GOOD, the best approach is a direct approach: just be honest. The more you try to cover up or hide something, the worse it ends up being. So don’t! Just ask your friend if you can have a chat. Apologize for not checking the dates first, and let her know how important it is to you to visit her cottage. I’m sure she’ll totally understand. After all – you’re being honest.



33 Responses to Plumpy: Breaking Bad News

  1. Crutter says:

    Awsome advice, thanks!

  2. citruscrush says:

    great advice!


  3. Peace And Love says:

    I like this advice. Like today i just told my friend bad news and she ok with it.

    Peace and love
    P.S My user name is snowflakecuty

  4. PIEPIE75 says:

    What do you mean by BAD newz?

  5. sweetcheeks101 says:

    That happened to me before. I had to go to cheer competitions in L.A, and on that same day, my friend was having a pool party.

  6. Tumble says:

    That “news” honestly wasn’t as bad as I thought.

  7. ava says:

    Just tell your bff that you can’t go with her,she will understand.

  8. carol/with midnight says:

    I have it all figured out….ask your friend if she wants to go with you to your that way it’s all covered..your friend and your Gram…the BEST of both WORLDS….

  9. jmcs1966 says:


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