Plumpy: Breaking Bad News



Dear Plumpy,
My BFF asked me to go to her cottage in July, and I said yes – but that’s before I knew we were going to visit my grandma that same week! I definitely can’t get out of seeing my family (and I really want to see them,  anyway)…so how do I tell my bestie this bad news?

-          Too Much Vacation

Dear TMV,

I wouldn’t worry too much – I bet you and your BFF can figure out a solution to this scheduling conundrum. Maybe you go to her cottage a week later…or even in August. I’m sure she’ll understand that you have to visit your gran. I find that when you have to tell your BFF news that isn’t exactly GOOD, the best approach is a direct approach: just be honest. The more you try to cover up or hide something, the worse it ends up being. So don’t! Just ask your friend if you can have a chat. Apologize for not checking the dates first, and let her know how important it is to you to visit her cottage. I’m sure she’ll totally understand. After all – you’re being honest.



33 Responses to Plumpy: Breaking Bad News

  1. sweet n spicy says:

    what is the point of tellin her before you are just going
    to say either way!

  2. Ujhrcxh says:

    Munkiemee, i agree.”whats the point of this”

  3. Munkiemee says:

    Am I the only one thinking that ‘Whats the point in this?’???

  4. Jazz says:

    OMG I thought it was something important!!

  5. RibbonBear says:

    Yeah thats great advice

  6. Webkinz lover 2011!!!$$$ says:

    Maybe if you ask your friend in a nice way she might say “You can come when you get home”. Then you would both be happy!
    Webkinz lover 2011!!!$$$

  7. unknown says:

    yeah i think thats really good advice

  8. Great says:

    Bad advice Plumpy!

  9. cK says:

    i thinkk thats the best approach or she could bring her friend with her to visit

  10. Great says:

    Good advice Plumpy!

    • Moonstar says:

      Suprizingly, I agree with that advice!

      • Melesong says:

        Cool!!!!!! i am leisha5

      • helpfulone says:


        My friend and I so do that BFF! We called it: BEST FRIENDS FOREVER! My friend she made me a big letter say: BFF it was a pillow. It was so nice she did that. The pillow say: BFF! It was awesome and I so have it. I’m keeping it forever!

        - helpfulone

      • irishgirl1111 says:

        I don,t have alot of friends and my family dosen,t go on any vacation and do not go to see almost any of my family since most of them live in Ireland, England , one in Australea and in states that are aren,t so close so I would not know about such matters but over all I agree with her advice

    • I like Pie says:

      A similar situation is happening to me
      Earlier in the school year one of my besties moved across to the other side of our state. I was really sad. Thursday is my last day of school and a 1/2 day. Afterwards, my friend is having a half b-day party since she’s in town for a few days. The issue is, I have a dress rehersal that night, so I’m going to miss a lot of the party. The dress rehersal is for my dance recital, and I can’t skip. It’s really sad, but at least I get to hang out for 1-2 hours before we have to go to bed, and I get to spend the morning, but that afternoon everyone’s swimming and I have to miss it. :(

    • queenmissy6 says:

      I don’t have a BEST friend.
      I just have friends.
      One isn’t closer than the other one.

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