Plumpy: Overcoming Shyness

Dear Plumpy,

I’m moving next month, so I’ll be starting at a new school in September. I’m SO FREAKED OUT. Seriously. Just thinking about arriving at my new school and seeing new kids makes my stomach hurt. I’m naturally a pretty shy person. I’ve got friends at my school now, but I’ve known every one of them since we were four. It’s easy to make friends when you’re four! It’s a lot harder when you’re eleven. Can you help me, please?

-          Shy Girl

Dear SG,

OK, first things first: breathe. Deeply. In and out. J Alright – now that we’ve got the initial panic over with, we can talk. My dear, you’ll be fine. I’m not just saying that – I know it from experience. My cousin Ruby is the shiest hippo I’ve ever met – and yet, she has lots and lots of friends. Why? Because she always tries to be friendly, even when she’s feeling shy. I called her and read her your letter and she had some advice to pass along:

1.       When you arrive at your new school, look for the other shy kids. They’ll be just as happy to meet you as you will to meet them.

2.       Join a club – you’ll meet kids with interests like yours.

3.       Join a sports team – this is usually tricky for shy kids, but sports can be a great way to get in exercise AND have fun.

4.       Help out – if you see anyone in need, offer your help. That’s a great way to meet people.

5.       Meet your neighbors – you might just be lucky enough to find a kid your own age on your street.

6.       Keep in touch with your old friends – when you’re feeling lonely, write your friend an email or send them a letter.

Good luck to you, SG. I just know things will work out.


36 Responses to Plumpy: Overcoming Shyness

  1. WACKYSTAR says:

    I AM SHY , i do not talk a lot at school but i have tons of friends i am on a basketball team so that helps .sometimes i wish i wasnt shy because i feel that i cant do things because of my shyness

  2. Kristen says:

    I joined speech team, it was fun. Also, i went to camp. I knew nobody, but, people invited me into their tent. :) I didn’t know my BFF when i was 3, but, now we are best friends :) so, just get to know each other, they might even play on WEbkinz!!!

  3. IceWolf* says:

    I am the shiest person my friends know. I am so shy, that I can barely talk to my own friends, and I have known ALL of them since kindergarten! Well, mostly, I am afraid to talk to new kids, or the (extremely weird) boys at school (well who wouldn’t?). I like to play four-square (everyone knows what that is, right?), and mostly boys play that. Well, I am fine ‘playing’ with new people and (weird) boys, it’s just that, I can’t ‘talk’ to them. And I am not moving either. ~IceWolf* = |

  4. flitterfly1 says:

    Hi. SG I liked the advice that plumpy’s friend said
    Find someone shy like you I did that one time and know we are best friends we see each other 2 or more hours A day and do not think we see each other enough. SO find some one shy like you and you might be best friends.
    Try it sg I promise it will work.
    Peace,Love,And Happiness from flitterfly1 :D
    ( Peace,Love,Happiness,and Luck from flitterfly1 :D )

  5. Rose says says:

    i am not shy with my friends and if someone asks me things and want to be my friend then i’m fine but i’m not good with making the first move… :( Next year (in september) I will be going to middle school (and i’m freaking out!) i will not know anyone (well only 4 other people!) all my other friends go to the other middle school in the area. I will have to ake all new friends! (my other friends will not be garenteed to be in my classes) i’m not good at that stuff (and i am worried about all the other things about going to middle school! it’s a whole other world there!

    • WebkinzAddict says:

      It isn’t that bad, actually. If you have someone you know, just stick with them. It isn’t that bad!
      Good luck,

    • SarahBeara (friends nickname for me :P) says:

      Hey middle school isn’t bad at all!!! It’s really fun acutally, but you have to make sure you’re involved, like join your sports teams. Tennis, Soccer, Softball, Baseball, Vollyball. Well you get the picture. Hey in my experince middle school are some of the years to will remember most. And I KNOW how you feel about losing your friends. Between my 7th & 8th grade year me and my best friend got split onto diffrent hallways at our school. And if you arn’t on the same hall you have no interaction with the other hall. We only had one class together and we couldn’t talk in that class because it was band. Just keep in touch with your friends at other schools and you’ll be fine. Best of Luck and well wishes! ~XOXO SarahBeara~

  6. Rachel says:

    im not moving, and i have friends, but that advice might come in handy because i’m super shy!!! :)

  7. Crystal says:

    This is very great advice for my sister because she usually is shy with strangers, but she is not with her friends. I am usually the more outgoing one.

  8. kinzgal says:

    I’m shy to :) ! Well not that shy…(I don’t go to public school, i’m home schooled.) It’s more, Maybe i should say hi, no maybe not….well i want to, no…. That’s me!

  9. 90flowerpots says:

    I’m the same way It’s awkward for me to make friends. Someone walks up to me and says “hi my name is Sarah” I freak out and sit awkwardly until she asks me something. I am not shy, just not good at talking to strangers. :-)

  10. sherry says:


    • mebelovin♥ says:

      I AM NOT SHY AT ALL AROUND KIDS I KNOW IF NOT I AM SO wait why i am i using caps srry caps lock was on um what was i talking about oh yeah i am so shy thx-mebelovin♥♥♥

      • pizza eating time says:

        This is great advice. I’m a little shy but around my friends they think i’m crazy and the exact opposite of shy. But when talking to people that aren’t at my school i’m afraid to let my craziness out to make them laugh, so I get shy and will often let them talk first and let my confidence slowly build up to be my true fun self

        - Pizza Eating Time

        • EllySilverStar says:

          Oh yeah, I’m shy, too. I know all about the so terrified your stomach hurts thing. Kinda makes you want to just curl up in bed and stay there forever, huh? I’m fine with people I know, but if I don’t know you I’m kind of, ok, I’ll be friendly, join in the conversation a bit, but starting one myself is still on the YIKES! list, most of the time. I mean, I’m a LOT less shy than I used to be, but I’m still a little shy. Going on stage is still TERRIFYING though. A few months ago I was in a play, and I was so scared I’d miss my cue, or forget my lines, and my stomach was flipping and jumping around like crazy. As it turns out I came on right on cue and all my lines were instantly there. I think if I can get on stage more I’ll be able to get rid of stage fright. Oh, and Straystar, I’m a little afraid of rejection, too. I’ve been rejected a lot. But isn’t it funny? We all say we’re shy or something like that on here, but we can just say things online, no fear. ~EllySilverStar~

      • Straysta says:

        I am definently not shy. Sometimes I am afraid of rejection though. . . -Straystar◘◘◘

    • redwall reader says:

      if plumpy is so smart,she can tell me the recipe here for the watermelon shirt.

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