Pumpkin Cake

Throwing a Halloween party? This cake makes a terrific dessert.

What you need:

-          Two packet of chocolate cake mix

-          Two jars of icing

-          Yellow food coloring

-          Red food coloring

-          Green food coloring

-          Ice cream cone cup

-          Grape fruit leather

-          Bundt pan

-          Wax paper or parchment

What you do:

1.       Bake one cake according to directions in Bundt pan and allow to cool. Repeat with other cake.

2.       Turn out cakes, flip over and cut off the top (the wide end), to make a flat surface.

3.       In a small bowl, mix about a ¼ cup of the icing with green food coloring. Paint bottom and sides of ice cream cup with green icing.

4.       In a large bowl, mix remaining icing with yellow and red food coloring to form orange.

5.       On your serving dish, place several strips of wax paper around the edge, then put one Bundt cake on plate with the flat side up.\

6.       Ice top of cake and set other Bundt cake on top, flat side down.

7.       Ice the whole cake with orange icing.

8.       Cut out eyes, nose and mouth for your jack-o-lantern from fruit leather and affix to the front of your jack-o-lantern.

9.       Stick your ice cream cone ‘stem’ in the top of your cake.

10.   When you are done decorating your cake, pull the wax paper gently away from the edges and you should have a clean serving platter under your cake.

You can substitute chocolate for your favorite flavor of cake if you want.


35 Responses to Pumpkin Cake

  1. WebkinzGal-MOUTH WATERING! says:

    This is such a cool and creative idea! Looks delicious too! I may persuade my Mom to help make it with me!

  2. lovepuppygirl says:


  3. bailey says:

    that lookes really good even though i dont celebrate halloween

  4. FabLola says:

    a half Banna coverd in brown icing makes a better stem. i made a cake like this last year the cone makes it look tack.

  5. BuffaloGirl14075 says:

    When I’ve made this cake, I frosted the ice cream cone with white frosting tinted green. I think it looks more like a stem then.

  6. HOLLISTER says:


  7. Uggluver79.......aka ke8o says:

    Cool, but I am not a baking type of person Lol…….. ~~~~*Uggluver79*~~~~

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