Roberta Rabbit: Thanksgiving is Saved!








Hey guys. Roberta again. OK, so know how I said I didn’t understand why my dad couldn’t be home for Thanksgiving? Well, I decided to ask him when he called last night! And this is what he said: since he’s in South Webkinz World now, and since he has meetings AFTER Thanksgiving, it doesn’t make sense to come all the way home just for one day. I guess I can kind of understand. After all, who wants to spend six hours on a plane, only to hop off for about eight hours, and then hop back on the plane for six more hours? That sounds like a lot of traveling. Even though I’m going to miss my dad a ton, he said we can have our own small Thanksgiving celebration when he gets back. I’m going to make pumpkin muffins instead of pumpkin pie…and mom said we can have carrot loaf! So that sounds pretty great. Maybe Thanksgiving isn’t ruined after all.

24 Responses to Roberta Rabbit: Thanksgiving is Saved!

  1. SapphireSea says:

    I’m glad you’re starting to understand. And I’m sure you’ll have a good time, anyway. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

  2. lovepuppygirl says:

    Thats a good idea having a celebration when he gets back.And those pumpkin muffins sound soooo yummy!!!!

  3. Nibbles says:

    Yay! Roberta! That is very good :D !

    Nibbles Hippo

  4. corrine says:

    I keep a journal too!!!:) It’s good to get your feelings out!:) Glad to hear that your gonna make it a good Thanksgiving and not mopping around!:) When your dad gets back ya’ll be able to have a special extra day of Thanksgiving!:)

  5. bunnies 4 ever says:

    i love pumpkin muffins mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm they are so goooooood i am so happy thanks giving is saved.
    bunnies 4 ever

  6. Sparky says:

    See Roberta? I told you something good was going to happen! :) .


  7. Cowabelle says:

    Roberta! I’m so happy your Thanksgiving was saved :) . And pumpkin muffins sure sound good! :D !

    ♣ Cowabelle ♣

  8. Hello Kitty ROX! says:

    That is great Roberta! – Hello Kitty ROX! ^.^

  9. MDIChickadee says:

    So glad you asked him, Roberta! You are so grown up to understand why he cannot make it home, and it will be a special time when he returns!!

  10. kevinbearhug says:

    Cool! Pumpkin muffins sound good.

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