Roberta’s Craft: Lovely Valentines









I know Valentine’s Day is still a few weeks away, but the truth is: it’s one of my very favorite holidays! I like to be well-prepared, so I’ve started making my Valentines early! Here’s what I’m doing this year: Roberta’s Valentine’s Treat bags. Everyone in my class is going to get a whole bag of cute treats. That’s why I’ve got to start now! First up, a bookmark!


Our teacher, Miss Daisy, is always encouraging us to read more. This will help the kids in my class keep their places!









What you need:

Red, pink and white cardstock, scissors, glue stick, sparkles, stickers


What you do:


  1. Cut out one red or pink heart per bookmark. The heart should be about 3 inches tall and two inches wide at the widest point.
  2. Cut out one white heart per bookmark. The heart should be about 2 inches tall and one and a half inches wide at the widest point.
  3. You’re going to glue most of your white heart to the pink or red heart. You’re just going to leave the pointy, bottom part of your white heart unglued (this is the part your friends will be able to put over the corner of their page to mark their place).
  4. Decorate each bookmark with stickers and sparkles. If you like, you can put your friend’s name on the heart.

14 Responses to Roberta’s Craft: Lovely Valentines

  1. dune456 says:

    Getting an early start just shows how smart you are!!! The early birds gets the worms..

  2. jupiterismyhamster says:

    My friend usually makes her own valentines, too. Last year they were hearts with glow sticks threaded through them. They said “You make my heart glow!”

    ***Bowties are cool!*** -The 11th doctor

  3. SapphireSea says:

    Nice! But you don’t need to encourage me to read more. Once I’m into a good book, it’s hard to get me to pull my nose out of it. I love books! And cats, and chocolate, mmm, and iced coffee. Ok, I like a lot of stuff.

  4. lovepuppygirl says:

    I always love your craft ideas Roberta!!!!

  5. MDIChickadee says:

    Great idea! And it is good to get started now so we do not have to rush at the end. Thanks, Roberta! All the best! MDIChickadee

  6. FlowerSt@r says:

    Wow, that’s cool Roberta. (: I LOVE crafts. ~ Aloha from FlowerSt@r

  7. tygerkit says:

    at least shes getting a way way early start!!

  8. tygerkit says:

    WOW! shes at it again after all that christmas craft madness!
    this girl really loves her crafts!
    more than kimmy the koala even!!

  9. sarahandlacey says:

    That is so pretty! Roberta you make awesome crafts! Your friend sarahandlacey! :lol: :mrgreen: ;-) :-) :roll:

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