Crafty Christmas with Roberta








I am so excited about Christmas! I’ve got some super-amazing ideas about presents this year. See, my allowance has been a little light recently (thanks to my insane spending-spree at the KinzStyle Outlet earlier in the summer), so I’ve got to stretch my KinzCash farther than ever before. And that means one thing: homemade gifts! Yup, I’m going to make everyone’s gifts myself. I know they’re going to turn out just great! I’ve got to make one for each of the ‘Kinz, something for my mom, my dad, my grandparents, my cousins (all five of them), my teacher, Ms. Cowoline, my neighbors – oh, and Millie, of course! I’ve just got to pick up some crafting supplies and I’ll be ready to get started. Hooray!


38 Responses to Crafty Christmas with Roberta

  1. LOVEPUPPY234679-08=6-5 says:

    CAN I HELP?:)OR NOT?:(

  2. Ashley says:

    I so wish I had alot of kinzcash but its so hard not to spend it.

  3. kylie says:

    I love that idea so much.

  4. NMKID says:

    I am sewing webkinz clothes for my beagle, Mia, but, my mom and I haven’t gotten around to the shirt since the beginning of November.

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