Roberta’s Homemade Holidays: Snowglobe Craft



Unfortunately I don’t have any glass blowing equipment in my craft room, but I do have this idea for a cute craft that creates the look of a snow globe using an acetate sheet for the glass.

What you need:

-          Light blue construction paper

-          Brown construction paper

-          White construction paper

-          Green construction paper

-          Red construction paper

-          Black construction paper

-          Crayons

-          Clear acetate sheet

-          Small plate

-          Scissors

-          Glue stick (that dries clear)

What you do:

Use your small plate to trace one circle onto the light blue paper and one circle onto the clear acetate sheet. Cut out both circles.

Use your construction paper, crayons and glue to create a winter scene on your blue circle (I made a simple snowman.) Cut out small white pieces of paper and glue them all around your scene.

From your brown paper cut out a trapezoid, a rectangle that is wider on one side. Glue the trapezoid to the bottom of your blue circle.

Spread your clear acetate circle with a thin circle of glue and stick it over top of your blue circle, making sure the edges line up.


Now you have a shiny snow globe to hang up on your wall!

36 Responses to Roberta’s Homemade Holidays: Snowglobe Craft

  1. Cinderpelt says:

    This is cute! It’s nice and creative, but also easy and fun. Not a lot of hassle getting it done! :lol: Lillyluvie, I feel bad for you! :’( Moonstar that stinks!! Starburst I bet it was funny. I wish my slippers were full of coins! I need money right now :P I only have one snowglobe, but I love it! It has a snowman with a broom and everything next to a tree. And the on the side (outside of the globe, on the stand) it has another little snowman! ;)


  2. Lilly says:

    That looks really cool!

  3. MDIChickadee says:

    I *LOVE* it! A snow globe that will not break. Thanks, Roberta!!

  4. sam88 says:

    I know how to make a snow glob with real glass get some glitter and a clear peach jar then put some water in it.
    Then you can put sticers and other stuff so this is how you can make a home made snow glob!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. MusicStar says:

    Hi! This craft is cool! I found something very intersting on Mazin’Hamsters!
    I was entering the Mazin’Hamster Crossroads and a thing popped up and said what this place was then at the bottem it
    said:And be sure to talk to Tinker to see what he’s working on!! Who Tinker!? Where’s Tinker?!
    What do you guys think Tinker is?

  6. Friendly:D says:

    This is really cute! I’ve done this before!Hey, lillyluvie, bostonrocks, northwestern, kodiak, and swedishlatte will you guys be my friends? If you let me know what the first few letters of your username I’ll make sure to friend you. My username again is sparkle751. I’m really desparate here guys! I only need 3 more friends! Thanks!

  7. Me the Dudette says:

    Nice, but I still prefer crafts that actually are nice. Just use a plastic container (fruit salad bowls from drive-throughs, etc.) with a lid, glue some small waterproof toy animals (or trees, or tools, or people, or houses…) to the inside of the lid, fill it (the bowl part) most of the way with water, pour in some glitter or ripped up pieces of plastic bags from the store, put on the lid, and put plenty of hot glue or tape around the edges so the water doesn’t leak (wait for it to dry before you turn it upside down) and shake gently. That doesn’t require glass blowing at all!
    But, this one (the article) really does make a nice card. ( :

  8. snuggles565 says:


  9. sarahandlacey says:

    Oh, Roberta that is a nice craft, but it comes from the hart! :lol: :mrgreen: ;-) :-) :roll:

    • Moonstar says:

      Cool Roberta. I like it.

      • sparklegirlLT says:

        Cute! I love all of your handmade crafts Roberta! :)

        • SwedishLatte says:

          Aw, how adorable!

          • lillyluvie says:

            That’s pretty! :D
            My mom (for her old job she used to travel a LOT) went to New York this year. She is a travel agent, so she has meetings in New York and California (a long way from Minnesota!). She brought me and my sister snowglobes from New York. They are so pretty! But the day after I got it, I was playing the computer and my arm bumped the snowglobe and it fell to the floor. It shattered. :cry: But my mom got to go to New York a second time! So she got me a new New York snow glove in a different color. ;)

            *Luv from LillyLuvie* p.s. Thanks for reading this!

          • Moonstar says:

            Oh, that is sad Lillyluvie, but I am happy that you got another one!
            When I was in Hurrican Ike (I think that is how you spelled it, and that was in Texas) my cats got all nervous (grr Lucy and Fred) and made my my snowglobe collection fall. I was so sad. They also made my piggy bank get shattered but I got another piggy bank. -Moonstar◙◙◙

          • starburst says:

            that is sad lillyluvie and moonstar. :cry: one time it was sorta funny, in the middle of the night my piggy bank broke and i didn’t know it (i was like 5 or 6) and when i got up the next morning i went to put on my slippers and they were full of coins! :lol: it was funny. :D i have one snowglobe, it’s a small one that has a dancing ballerina inside. my grandma gave it to me because i love to dance so much. o moonstar, i got ur request. i said yes. thanks!!! :D are your cats named after ‘I love lucy’ characters?

          • WebkinzQueen: Me again.... says:

            Nice thinking, starburst, I didn’t even catch that those r names from I Love Lucy! I luv dat show but, 2 many commercials! I have broken a snow globe, and piggy bank! my bed is close 2 a table where my piggy banks r and i tripped and hit my bed. The bed hit the table and t he bank fell. glass shatter and we think a piece had scratched my i, but I’m better. Then my friend & I were making funny videos, my hand hit my snow globe, or summer globe, cause it was from my cruise that I had went on 3 months before! LOL! it was really good glass, cause it didn’t shatter, mayb it was plastic, my parents say, “let’s just go on another cruise, and get a new 1″ I like that idea. I am already planning it, even though it probably won’t happen 4 a long while! LOL

          • lillyluvie says:

            Yeah I was really sad about my first snowglobe breaking. But my mom got newz that she would be traveling to New York again so she said if she found one, she could get me another one. I still have the old one, only it doesn’t have the glass dome thing around it. Its so pretty though. I think both are good/sad memories. :D

            *Luv from LillyLuvie*

          • krystalkat says:

            Thats sad LillyLuvie and Moonstar! :( When an earthquake hit (Pennsylvania) this summer my snoeglobe from vermont broke, so did my picture frames, and my cats (Checkers and Savannah Sweetie) were also anxious. They were hiding under my bed.


          • WebkinzQueen says:

            I feel so bad for the both of you, 1st LiyllyLuvie, did you mean globe? cause you put gloVe. And 2nd, it was Hurricane Ike right? When was it? Was it this year? I don’t have enough time to make this, cause I am half way done with my presents, Only three more to go! I have a small family, 8 people, I didn’t make one for me, and my dog counts as 1 person, so basically 7 peeps, so more than half way done!

          • WebkinzQueen: Me again.... Sorry.... says:

            ya know those, big fat water bottles, with the sports balls and stuff, well, take off the label, fill with water, put glitter, close it, and take some ribbon to make it pretty, and tie it around the cap, it works 4 regular sized bottles to. As the 3 R’s say, Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle! A great Reusing project!

          • lillyluvie says:

            Yes, my family is all about staying “green” too! We recycle pretty much everything that can be recycled. Its better knowing that you helped the Earth, just be recycling. :D

            *Luv from LillyLuvie*
            p.s. Yes I did mean to put snowglobe instead of snowglove. :)

          • WebkinzQueen says:

            Snowgloves are also really important! LOL! LillyLuvie, r u my friend on WW? My user is Pinkyali. Lowercase

          • Moonstar says:

            1. My cats are named after I Love Lucy characters. We were going to name Fred Ricky/Ricardo, but decided on Fred. Lucy is named after Lucy. They are both bengal cats.
            2. Yes, I am sure it was Hurricane Ike, umm, I think it was 2007 or 2008. I lived in Texas at the time. -Moonstar◙◙◙
            P.S. I love to recycle too! My grandparents do it with me!

          • WebkinzQueen says:

            Yeah, I think recycling is 1 of the best things!I took my own advice, only I had no glitter, so I used, blue paint and water, shook it, then added a bit of art sand, tied it with a green ribbon, and wrote Lazy Dayz on it! I’ll see if it can become a crafty critterz craft after Christmas, so my parents don’t see it!

            Happy Holiday’s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          • lillyluvie says:

            To Webkinzqueen: Hmm I think I might be your friend. But (your in luck!) I am on Webkinz right now, so I can add you. I usually go on once a week, so its a coincedence that I can add you on the day you tell me to add you. LOL I have a lot of people asking me to be my friends. :D Luv ya’ll!

            *Luv from LillyLuvie*

          • luvlillie i can reltate! says:

            in the summer i was SO board but my parrents knew i was crafty,
            so they bought me popsticles sticks and i built a cute little house with them.

        • WebkinzWizard :) says:

          Aw… that’s cute! :) You could laminate it and turn it into a place mat or something! :)

          The *~Webkinz Wizard~* :)

    • dawndrop16 says:

      Fun, cute, and simple to make! Great idea, Roberta! :lol: ~*Dawn*~

    • System Of A Down Chick says:

      Awesome, Roberta! :mrgreen:

      ~SOAD Chick~

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