Roberta’s Observations

Dear Diary,

Things have been a bit weird around here lately. Why? It’s my parents. I don’t know what’s going on with them, but they seem to be so preoccupied lately. For example, I was supposed to bring some KinzCash to school for pizza day. Normally my mom puts the KinzCash in my backpack, but it wasn’t there! When I got home and asked her about it, she said I was old enough to take responsibility for my own pizza!
Yesterday, I wanted to go for a bike ride with my dad, but he said he and my mom had to do some talking, and that they were going for a walk. When I asked if I could join them, they said no!

Can you believe it? They’ve never been like this before.

One other strange thing: I made carrot muffins today (my specialty) and when I offered one to my mom, she said, “Ugh, no thanks.” How rude, right? Why would she think my carrot muffins are gross all of a sudden?

Have I done something wrong?


73 Responses to Roberta’s Observations

  1. houserlynx says:

    It sure sounds like there are rabbit kits in the immediate future! But since I have rabbits here, and know a little bit about this, does this mean that Roberta may have 7 or 8 new brothers and sisters in a month or so? That would be a real house-full! I think Roberta has some real work in front of her!

  2. monky says:

    who nose! either ur a sister or ur parents r having problem either congrats or sorry!

  3. Jitterbug says:

    Guys, we don’t even know what’ll happen! But I am the youngest, and I do cause trouble for my older brother… But he’s so mean to me! Good luck Roberta…

  4. IsthataFact says:

    Roberta, it looks like you might be a big sister soon! your parents are probably talking over everything they will need to plan, including how and when to talk to you about it. And I think your mom didn’t want to eat your carrot muffin because she was feeling sick to her stomach. Sometimes that happens. Give your parents some time to figure out how they are going to live with the idea of a new baby, it’s a big change. But don’t worry, everything will be just fine! You’ll see!

  5. webkinzfanm says:

    OMG SHE IS GOING TO HAVE A NEW SIBLING. but i don’t get the pizza thing. do you

  6. Webkinz#1 says:

    WOW! I agree with everyone. I really do think that Roberta’s mom is going to have a baby. They are just teaching Roberta responsibility. Plus, the reason her mom didn’t want to eat Roberta’s muffins was because she is probably on a special diet. I hope everything workes out!

  7. SapphireSea says:

    I would say to ask them about, but that may lead to more grumpiness from them. Just try and remember your own pizza money, ect. so it’s easier on them. Parents can be weird sometimes, you know? ~~O~~SapphireSea~*~*~

  8. Lizzy says:

    Jordy, then why wouldn’t her mom eat her carrot muffins? When you are pregnant, you have to eat certain things. I am good with baby names Roberta, if your mom ever has a baby, lmk.

  9. jordyb6 says:

    Your parents are probaly working out a divorce plan. Your mom & dad are just stressed.

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