Salley and Stoogles, BFFs







Dear Diary,

My best friend is, as you might have guessed, a little…odd…sometimes. He’s a great guy, don’t get me wrong, but I never know where he gets his crazy ideas from.

Case in point? His birthday.

Stoogles wants to throw an ‘awesome dance party’ with ‘everyone in the school’.



That sounds like a lot of work…and maybe not such a great idea. Like, what happens if Purr-Cilla shows up? If he invites the whole school, he’s going to have to invite her…and that’ll ruin everything.

Also, how is he going to have enough food for everyone? And where is he going to have the party? He keeps saying “in the forest”…but what if it rains?

Maybe I should just stay out of this and let him do whatever he wants.  He seems super-excited…so maybe it’ll all work out?

Ah, Stoogles. It’s never dull being your BFF!


-          Salley

24 Responses to Salley and Stoogles, BFFs

  1. Thunderspark17 says:

    I think you dont need to worry so much. just let him do what he thinks is really fun, because he isnt you. -Goldfishkoi8088

  2. Dragonfish says:

    Orange Starburst and kittykat9, Salley doesn’t like Purcilla because she torments her. Anyways, interesting party choices there, Stoogles Sounds like fun. (*(*dragonfish*)*)

  3. oldwooffie says:

    Salley, don’t try to tell him that’s a bad idea, but I don’t think you should TOTALLY stay out of it. Try encouraging him by saying, maybe we should make a list for all of the people you want to invite.

  4. Orange Starburst says:

    I agree with everyone who commented. I know, kittykat99, why doesn’t Salley like Purcilla?

  5. kittykat99 says:

    how come you don’t like purrcilla?

  6. Furryfeather75 says:

    Whoah, Stoogles calm down!You should only invite everyone you know and like. The forest is a good place, but you should fence the party area off. And Salley, have faith in him!

  7. jennifer says:

    I think the park would be much safer. Plus he’s going to have to have one or two adults to keep an eye on things. jennifer

  8. Jitterbug says:

    Stoogles is fun and exciting while you more practical, he was really dissapointed when the valentines day party was canceled by you… Give him some advice, but not get to involved, that could be chaos. Poor Alex… He hatesdancing… Catch The Jitterbug, I Am So There Stoogles!

  9. miss narwhal says:

    I do agree that it is not the most sensible idea but you should stay out of it for the most part in case he gets mad. One thing I am concerned about is having a party in a forest… What if someone gets lost? I think you suggest holding the party in the Kinzville Park, Everyone knows where it is and it is kinda hard to get lost there. You could also suggest that instead of inviting the entire school to just invite everyone he likes I can understand why he doesn’t want to invite just his friends cuz he wants a lot of people but if he invites EVERYONE you are right that there will not be enough food and as you said some mean people might come just to mess things up. So again suggest that he have it in the park (tell him to check the weather report first to plan a day that it shouldn’t rain) and suggest that he invite everyone he like/knows pretty well vs. everyone in the school.

    • AlizaLilia14 says:

      I agree. It would be better in the park because everyone knows where it is, and inviting the ENTIRE school wouldn’t be a good idea especially since there might not be enough food and it would be expensive. ~ASL <3

  10. MDIChickadee says:

    Hi Salley! Yes, Stoogles is a Kinz with HUGE ideas! Just let him go for it – maybe he will surprise all of us! All the best! MDIChickadee

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