Salley’s Unhappy Valentine’s Day








Ugh, you guys. I’m so not feeling well today. My stomach is killing me! I told my mom that I thought I might have the flu, but she said I was probably just excited because Valentine’s Day is coming up.

I know it’s really nerves. Panicky, scared stiff nerves.

See, no one is very happy with me ever since I called off my party (you know, the one that I never wanted to have, but Stoogles really wanted? THAT party). And Stoogles is being so weird with me – like it’s my fault that everyone at school is annoyed because there’s no party. Hello! Stoogles! It was your idea to start with. And it was a bad idea!

Anyway, I can’t wait for tomorrow to be over. I just want to crawl into bed tomorrow night, and forget about Valentine’s Day for another year.

33 Responses to Salley’s Unhappy Valentine’s Day

  1. No sympathy says:

    oh! please i will not give you sympathy.

  2. teardrops says:

    I know what it feels like to have an unhappy valentines day . . .

  3. lovepuppygirl says:

    Valentines Day is not so bad Sally!!!!!!!!

  4. Glitterbug16 says:

    to tell
    the truth.
    salley, its
    not your
    don’t worry.
    stay happy and enjoy

    did you like my poem? i know, its not the BEST, but hey, friends come through, with the best of you (in mind)

    love <3

  5. Gabriella♥ says:

    No! Salley, you just can’t do that! Who cares about it? Just go and have fun!!!


  6. Coconut says:

    Aw Salley… Not a bad idea actually! But you just can’t sit around and waste a ONCE A YEAR ONLY holiday! And don’t forget, you gotta reputation to keep. Means you blow up, people-kinz- will always remember! :oops:


  7. cathouse2 says:

    Poor Salley! I hope you feel better soon! I don’t know why Stoogles did that! Webkinz world should be a nice place where pets don’t fight with eachother or hurt eachother. It should be a place where pets can be friends! Just like in the video, ”Just want to be your friend”. That was a good video!


  8. chihuahualover says:

    wow that sounds harsh.

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