Secret Friendship Skill: Writing in Invisible Ink

It’s Alex Tiger here. I’m not the biggest talker in the ‘Kinz Crew, so I came up with this cool idea to communicate secret information to my friends – and I never even have to open my mouth!

All it takes is a white candle or a white crayon and white piece of paper. To read your message, your friends will need watercolor paint and a paintbrush.

Take your white candle and with the bottom of the candle (or the crayon), write your message on the piece of paper. Try to keep track of where you have written so your letters don’t run into each other!

You now have a message written in invisible ink that you can pass along to your friends. To everyone else, it will just look like a blank sheet of paper, but you can let your friends know (maybe with your new secret handshake!) that there is a message awaiting them.

To read the note, your friends will need to paint over the page with a coat of watercolor paint. The paint will adhere to the paper but not the wax. Just like magic your writing will appear in white against the paint.

Now I can be as quiet as I want and still let my friends know what I’m thinking!

33 Responses to Secret Friendship Skill: Writing in Invisible Ink

  1. sunblockbeach says:

    anothere idea is to use a white black crayons right your message in white and tell your BFF to color over it with black and …. BOOO the words apear COOOOOOL rightPS i comment a lot but i uesd the name goldstarzzzzz now im sunblockbeach OK

    • Moonstar says:

      Oh, ok! I was wondering if you changed, do you mind if I give that name to a friend? -Moonstar♥♥♥

      • Ripstickchick says:

        hey silv- i mean, moonstar! we are friends now! i hope i can be a good webkinz friend, even though i live on the other side of the world! (lol! i live in russia (i’m american… VERY long story!)) anways, we could still meet, (i wake up at about 5:00 am every day!) so i hope we can be good friends! your truly,

        • Silverstar says:

          Dont’ worry, you can call me Silverstar now. Sometime you’ll have to tell me why you live in Russia! How many hours are you ahead or behind Webkinz? When I wake up it is usually about 10:00 in Webkinz. Is that ok for you or is that too early or late? -Silverstar♣♣♣♣♣

  2. cinpep says:

    That’s so cool! I’ll try that sometime!

  3. rootna7 says:

    That’s so awesome!!! I can tell my friends about it and it can become our new secret code!! Thanks ganz!!

  4. Merreeka says:

    What’s up with the forums? I tried a lot of times to try to trade! I don’t get it!!!!!!! (I suggest a topic)

  5. Melesong says:

    HEY! – leisha5

    • cookie kookoo says:

      melesong and loverofwebkinz#1. please stop fighting, at least dont bad mouth each other online. this is ur business and i dont want to get involved but when you get mad at each other online and in writing it kinda becomes all our prob. whateva you are fighting about, work it through, bff’s always do. hey that rhymes! work it through, bff’s always do. cool!
      this is a cool skill. when i first read the title i thought it meant like a friendship skill to get through anger at one another, you know that thing were you write a letter getting mad at ur friend and letting it all out but throw it away before they see it so that you let your anger out without hurting their feelings.

  6. Loverof Webkinzs#1 says:

    SWEET!!!!!!!!! That is better than Melesong’s way!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. unet101 says:

    Wow that’s so cool! I’m so going to do that some time! XD

  8. insanity says:

    That is really neat. You could pass notes in class, and the teacher wouldn’t even know what you were saying. It would just be a blank piece of paper. What a cool idea!

  9. super collector says:


    FRIEND ME! SERNAME: bugspet

    • Zooooooz says:

      I like this idea! We used to use lemon juice to write the message and a heat source to reveal it, but this is much safer!

      • Lilly the catlover says:

        I have never actually done the lemon juice thing, but I’ve heard of it and I’d love to try it. Actually, I’d like to try both, and I have an idea so you don’t need to do the handshake with it. Tell your friends you may hand them a seemingly blank piece of paper which actually has lemon juice/meltedcandle/crayon on it. For the crayon, if they felt over the paper they could probably feel the melted wax stuff on there. And if they don’t feel anything (which would mean either nothing there or juice), smell the paper and they’d probably smell the lemon juice on there. I’m not so sure either is safer, because, think about it, HOT WAX, hot wax hurts. Either way you are heating something and may burn yourself. You know, I ought to try these sometime! Another way to do secret messages would be to do a code. Next time I post under one of my other titles, EllySilverStar, I’ll give an example and see who can decode it!

      • lugwee says:

        lol that was on the movie national treasure, your lemon juice thing.

    • qtfluff2 says:

      That is so cool! me and mt BBFL should totally try that sometime! Add me to your friends list! my user is qtfluff2. I ♥ WEBKINZ!

    • cookie kookoo says:

      awesome! i am sooo gonna try this!

    • cookie kookoo says:

      i also forgot to say this, so i’ll say it now. just pretend its connected to the other message i wrote on here. anyways, another cool writing thing to do it to use crayons and color a stripe of color with every color, then color black over the whole thing. give your friend a coin to scratch a message to you with. the letters will be all colorful!

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