She’s Back!

Wow! I am so glad that it’s the new school year because I tell you – I was getting sick of playing second banana to Salley last year. But this year things are going to be different because I am running for School Council President again and this year I intend to win. Apparently Cowabelle is running this year, which isn’t really fair because she’s the principal’s daughter. I mean, is she really going to stand up for the student body and get things done or is she just going to do what Mommy says? And who’s to say that when Ms. Cowoline is counting the votes that a few of the ballots for me don’t get ‘lost’, if you know what I mean. I actually don’t mind Cowabelle. She’s a lot better than some of the other ‘Kinz but if this school wants a President with some executive experience who isn’t in the Principal’s back pocket then I think I’m the obvious choice.

37 Responses to She’s Back!

  1. batluver says:

    Just because Cowabelle is her daughter doesn’t mean Ms. Cowoline is going to let her win, Purrcilla. Ms. Cowoline knows better than that. You thinking that is just an insult to her. You should be ashamed of what you think.

  2. lillyfoot2372 says:

    wow! that is strong. that really tells the purr cilla is just following…

  3. >^..^< Catkin says:

    Poor Purr-Cilla. She needs to stop spending so much time in that river in Egypt (de-Nile!)

  4. dogs5678 says:

    purr-cilla, stop being mean. i hope cowabelle wins

  5. jennifer says:

    When will that girl learn nobody likes a bully. jennifer

  6. Stealthstorm says:

    It’s time to stop thinking about yourself. Cowabelle has a better chance than you…

  7. Becky71W says:

    You go girl!

  8. ~*Purple Puppi*~ says:

    Purrcilla, you should see and maybe Cowabelle has something good to offer for your school! Don’t be jealous of and learn to respect others!

  9. Girly Girl1 says:

    you need to stop being so jealus. Maybe if you be more nice you can make some real friends and you might get a chance to be president

  10. flicker7 says:

    Girl, you need to remember that everyone can be a leader and no one is a born follower. If you can’t treat everyone with respect and dignity then the only thing you need to be president of is the Yea Me club. Membership of you.

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