She’s Back!

Wow! I am so glad that it’s the new school year because I tell you – I was getting sick of playing second banana to Salley last year. But this year things are going to be different because I am running for School Council President again and this year I intend to win. Apparently Cowabelle is running this year, which isn’t really fair because she’s the principal’s daughter. I mean, is she really going to stand up for the student body and get things done or is she just going to do what Mommy says? And who’s to say that when Ms. Cowoline is counting the votes that a few of the ballots for me don’t get ‘lost’, if you know what I mean. I actually don’t mind Cowabelle. She’s a lot better than some of the other ‘Kinz but if this school wants a President with some executive experience who isn’t in the Principal’s back pocket then I think I’m the obvious choice.

37 Responses to She’s Back!

  1. kiddykat11 says:

    You’re just like a real politician, Purr-Cilla. :-(

  2. april13 says:

    Chillax!! Did you think that it might be even more difficult for Cowabelle to be in office BECAUSE her mom is the principal?!!Did you ever think that her mom may see it as a conflict and ask her NOT to run??!! Salley did all of the work last year and YOU took all of the credit! Maybe Salley should be president!

  3. Webkinz#1 says:

    JUst leave the Kinz’ alone and CHANGE YOUR ATTITUDE!

  4. fanofthefrog7 says:

    I’m surprised they post stuff like this.

  5. lovepuppygirl says:

    Oh brother!!!!!

  6. tru127 says:

    Purr-Cilla’s being her old self again…

  7. doglover2379568 says:

    Purrcilla is probably right. There will be bias in the voting. Cowabelle probably wouldn’t be a good leader anyway.

  8. ME says:

    she’s so full of herself

  9. oldwooffie says:

    Give it a rest Purr-Cilla.

  10. cathouse2 says:

    Oh Purr-cilla, people who act like you have a hard time is this world. Be nice Purr-cilla, it will make such a big difference. >>cathouse2

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