Slumber Party Breakfast – Caramelized French Toast

What you need:

-          2/3 cup brown sugar

-          ½ cup melted butter

-          thick sliced bread

-          6 eggs beaten

-          1 ¾ cup milk

-          Icing sugar

-          Adult assistant

What you do:

1.       Have your adult assistant preheat the oven to 350°.

2.       Combine brown sugar and butter in bottom of baking dish.

3.       Combine eggs and milk. Coat bread slices with egg mixture and lay on top of brown sugar/butter mixture.

4.       Bake for 25 to 30 minutes.

5.       Serve brown sugar side up with a light dusting of icing sugar and some fresh fruit.

6.       What a sweet way for your slumber party guests to start the day!

36 Responses to Slumber Party Breakfast – Caramelized French Toast

  1. claire6land says:

    I’m allergic to eggs! And, btw, too many eggs!
    The egg sub we have only goes to 2 or 3 eggs.
    I guess I’ll try it out and tell you what I think even though I’ve had brown sugar on toast before and it’s too sugary!

  2. Ilovemypets8 says:

    That is a creative food.

  3. Veronica says:

    Well, I love french toast, but this does look gross. But, hey, that doesn’t mean it won’t taste good!

  4. chocomonster says:

    My daddy wouldnt prehheat the oven for me and it says an adult HAS to!! :)

  5. IrishEyes says:

    Hmm different, might try it but with a few of the old traditional ingredients included. Like cinnamon in the egg mixture and some vanilla. And definitely syrup I can’t imagine just eating it dry like that?

  6. Emraled100 says:

    Yum! But my parents would never let me have this for breakfast.

  7. WebkinzWizard:) says:

    That looks good!!! I love french toast and things that are caramelized. Defiantly going to have to try that one day. :)
    The *~WebkinzWizard~*

  8. asdfgjh says:

    oh i’m allergic to all nuts but the nut nut I can eat almonds

  9. Josie says:

    I’m all for trying new foods but this=too unhealthy for me… :)

  10. luvme4areason says:

    I love french toast! I was recently in Hawaii and tried this delicious & giant french toast with macadamia nuts. If I find out where it was, I will post it. I definitely have to try this.

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