Sparky: THAT time again???

I can’t believe it’s already time to go back to school? Where did the summer go? It seems like just yesterday we were in the Big City for our end of school year trip, and now we’re already going back? You know what school means, right? Getting up early, making my lunch every day, sitting in a classroom and then coming home to do homework. Where’s the fun in that? I don’t get some of friends either. Alex is all pumped about coming back to school. He says he can’t wait to get back to school because apparently we are doing chemistry this year in Science class. Gee, yeah. Wow, Alex – chemistry! Woo hoo – NOT! But then Alex went to Science Camp and loved it so his definition of fun is definitely warped. I mean, Science Camp? Really?

Man! I can’t believe it’s time to go back.

39 Responses to Sparky: THAT time again???

  1. pugs611 grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr school nooooo says:

    Hey my school started way before yours. mine started in august. :( I am in second grade.

  2. YayMe says:

    I kinda like school. I mean you can see your friends.

  3. i'm happy says:

    i feel sorry for you guys i’m already graduated whatever you do don’t quit at grade ten

  4. >^..^< Catkin says:

    LOL Jennifer – I think I know what makes Sparky happy – complaining!

  5. MIKOYANA says:

    I know how u feel – me and my bff got separated this year… I’m really sad about it :-(

  6. Dawn says:

    Awe, common dude. Don’t be such a stick in the mud. School is not all that bad!;) I am actually really pumped myself. I can’t wait for Monday to see my besties again, although they live right across and next door, and earth science class and 5th grade. You’ll probably change your mind about it once you get back, don’t be so quick to judge!-♥-☼-Dawn-♥-☼-

  7. Cats Rule! says:

    School’s good! Without school you won’t know anything and when you’re older you won’t get a good job. Plus you find friends in school so it’s not bad. Sparky, Science is a really fun subject, and way better than Math in my opinion.

  8. jennifer says:

    Sparky, If I remember correctly, you were complaining at the begining of summer because you had to work for your Uncle for a few days a week and here you are complaining again because schools starting and your finally be seeing all your friends again and not having to work. Anything making you happy these days buddy? jennifer

  9. R3dRulez says:

    Actually, science is loved by tons of kids because it’s one of the actually fun classes, but only if you actually get to do stuff. Like looking through a microscope, chemistry, or just doing any sciencey is generally fun. I wish I would’ve loved to go to science camp if I had the opportunity. Anyways, good luck with school since it starts in a few days.

  10. chewbacca says:

    i feel yo pain

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