Student Council Minutes









Recorded by: Stoogles Googles

 In Attendance: Stoogles, Salley, Purr-Cilla

Topics of Discussion:

  • Salley as President

Purr-Cilla questioned whether or not Salley is still the best individual to be the president of the Student Council. She suggested that maybe we should hold a new vote and see if the students want to elect another president. Like maybe her. Salley is very much against this idea, and brought up the next topic of discussion:

  • Purr-Cilla as Treasurer

Salley said that if reelections are being held, they should vote about whether or not to reelect Purr-Cilla. Then Salley reminded Purr-Cilla that she wasn’t REALLY elected in the first place, but given the role by Ms. Cowoline.

  • A fight ensued. A loud, angry, yelling fight. Ms. Cowoline must have overheard Purr-Cilla and Salley (I’m pretty sure the entire school could hear them), because she came stomping in and told them to cool it. She looked REALLY angry. She told them that they had to learn to work together, and in order to help them, she was sentencing them both to a week of detention. During the detention, they’re going to have to help clean up classrooms and set up bulletin boards.
  • The meeting room is empty (Salley and Purr-Cilla had to go with Ms. Cowoline to her office for a chat), so I think I’m just going to eat some lunch. Then find Salley. And hope she’s less angry.


8 Responses to Student Council Minutes

  1. alicethecat says:

    Wow, that cleared up some stuff. Thanks Stoogles!

  2. MDIChickadee says:

    Salley was elected President. Purr-Cilla was appointed Treasurer. They BOTH need to work with each other, and they BOTH need need to fulfill their roles for the present year (working for what is best for the SCHOOL, not for themselves personally, and then, if they want, run for office again next year. They need to learn to be civil, even when things are not going their own personal way. I hope Ms. Cowoline’s plan works …

  3. Veronica says:

    Well, well, well. I knew a fight would break out between these two eventually. But honestly, I think they’re both being pretty immature about this. I wish Salley had ended the fight instead of being just as bad as Purr-Cilla and continuing with it. But still, I do agree on the reelection for a new president and DEFINITELY a new treasurer.

  4. Crazy gal says:

    yeah. i think they should pick a different president, too, Jinx57! i don’t really like Salley. I like Molly.

    Crazy gal :mrgreen:

  5. LivingAloha says:

    Should have made Stoogles Googles the Pres!!!! Then those other two could at least agree when they complained together about that.

  6. Jinx57 says:

    If it were my elected council causing all this commotion, I’d want to throw both of them out of office and elect someone NEW. Or even run myself. They should both be ashamed of their behavior.

  7. gymdog says:

    well,this cleared itt up. Sally, i know it will be hard working with her,but at least try.
    Sometimes,the hardest moments are the best learning ones.

    • kinzklipfan says:

      This is not good. I’m sorry Stoogles had to be in this. No offense, but if there was a reelection, I think Purr-cilla would lose and get kicked off the council. ~:: kkf~~kinzklipfan~~ :: $

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