Summer Fun Floaty Clicky

Look for the floating sun between August 24 and September 9 to win a random summery prize! When you see the floating sun, click on it and fill in the fields correctly. A random prize will be added to your Webkinz World account. Limit of one prize per Webkinz World account per day. Each day lasts from 12:am EST until 11:59pm EST.

45 Responses to Summer Fun Floaty Clicky

  1. Star Gazer 2003 says:

    I love the summer clothes.I have some it already.I wish yours would make more beandie suits.Are sleep wear.Are you going make more halloween clothes and christmas.Can make a shell bed with gems all over it.

  2. awesomegirl says:

    awesome really cool i am getting some

  3. Pinkl97 says:

    This will be fun way to end summer. I’m ready for them to release Fall clothes and items. :)

  4. Jeanne says:

    Another recycled event??? I hope the prizes are new and not recycled as well….seems the last several ads and peeks have been for prizes we already worked hard to get….

  5. Topthat says:

    Awesome! ~Topthat~

  6. burnsey0814 says:

    I am so excited! These prizes are going to be awesome!

  7. Dragonfire- Feeling the Flame! says:

    Yay! But I don’t like those sandals. Feel the Flame, Dragonfire

  8. MonicaAW says:

    :D yay! I love summer and cant wait to win some summery prizes!

  9. nonak55 says:

    Cool… or should I say HOT!!! :O

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