Summer Fun Floaty Clicky

Look for the floating sun between August 24 and September 9 to win a random summery prize! When you see the floating sun, click on it and fill in the fields correctly. A random prize will be added to your Webkinz World account. Limit of one prize per Webkinz World account per day. Each day lasts from 12:am EST until 11:59pm EST.

45 Responses to Summer Fun Floaty Clicky

  1. iheartwebkinz138 says:

    ooooooooooh cool lol add me @ Coolpopstarz101 =”">

  2. gjeli123 says:

    i love it is cool

  3. ★♫StarSong♫★ says:

    I agree with Megan. The Peek-A-Newz takes WAY too long. I like the Floaty Clicky stuff better. :) ;) <(*) Keep singing! ★♫StarSong♫★

  4. donna says:

    Why can’t they say what the prizes are? We are tired of spending 3 hours looking for stuff on here, only to win wshop stuff. Why are they giving everything in the world away? Why not give away all the holiday stuff from Webkinz years 1 and 3 and 3 ?

  5. lovepuppygirl says:

    I hope I get some clothes!!!

  6. Skiddly says:

    Cool, but it would be nice to know the prizes!

  7. cathouse2j3gnight2011 says:

    I love this idea for a floaty clicky! I hope we win the shoes in the picture. They are really pretty! >>cathouse2 ~~C2J3~~

  8. Melissa says:

    COOL CANT WAIT !!!:)

  9. ~♥TeamStarkid#1Fan♥~ says:

    This is TOTALLY AWESOME. :D I absoulutly LOVE,♥,LOVE free kinzcash, free prizes and free clothes. :D This is gonna be TOTALLY AWESOME. Keep Clam It’s Gonna Be Totally Awesome , ~♥TeamStarkid#1Fan♥~

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