Tasty Ice Cream Sandwich!




Want to eat as the Northern Webkinz World residents do? Make yourself an ice cream sandwich!


What you need:

2 chocolate chip cookies (we like homemade, but store-bought are OK too), vanilla or chocolate ice cream,  chocolate sprinkles, wax paper


What you do:

1.       Take the ice cream out of the freezer about 5 minutes before you want to make the sandwiches.

2.       Take a scoop of ice cream and put it onto one of the cookies. Put another cookie on the ice cream to make a sandwich.

3.       Roll the side of the ice cream sandwich in chocolate sprinkles.

4.       Wrap the sandwich carefully in wax paper and pop it into the freezer.

Make several and enjoy!

23 Responses to Tasty Ice Cream Sandwich!

  1. Thracey99 (username) says:

    hmm mayby i can tell my mom to make me one of those…. MOM!!!

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