The ultimate Friendship Clubhouse Room







By Molly Pig

The ‘Kinz Crew and I have been working on our clubhouse for a while now, but when you’re planning your own clubhouse, here are some ideas for you. A tree house style room makes a really fun hideout. This rustic getaway captures the outdoorsy feel with Green Leaf flooring and Stone Age Wallpaper. Woody accents like the Foggy Night Pirate Lamp and Tree Stump tables enhance the tree house effect and lots of windows create the illusion of being deep in the forest. A great way to collect items for your clubhouse is to raid your parents’ attic and that’s what these pets did. They grabbed some old Dance Recital Chairs to ensure they’d have lots of seating. A few wooden boxes from the Pirate Theme make ideal tables for setting things like a portable stereo – and they’re also good hiding spots for storing important club documents! A Rough Hewn Rug adds a soft touch and an old fashioned painting recovered from storage gives the space character. Every clubhouse needs a chalkboard to keep track of meetings and a treasure map makes the perfect finishing touch – because you never know when your club is about to embark on another exciting adventure!

45 Responses to The ultimate Friendship Clubhouse Room

  1. TOG53102 says:

    It might be a little dark but we need to have a cool clubhouse. -TOG53102

  2. i love sushi says:

    This room needs more color. It’s too dark and gloomy. Cute though. :)

  3. Kristen says:

    I like it, but, too much brown. it needs more color, almost. :)

  4. MDIChickadee says:


  5. Jacie8 says:

    I do think the room is really random!

  6. WebkinzGuru says:

    Love it, except for the Prehistoric Theme Rug. Not appealing, sorry.

  7. jmcs1966 says:


  8. jessica says:

    Is this going to be in the clubhouse?

  9. Cooler says:

    That room is so ugly!

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