THEY Deserved a Vacation?









Can you believe those ‘Kinz? Gallivanting off to the tropical island for the weekend while I, Purr-Cilla, am stuck back in freezing cold Kinzville.

Not. Fair.

One thing January has taught me is that if I want something, it’s up to me to get it. Whether that’s a tropical vacation (if only I’d befriended Dacey when I had the chance!) or the presidency at the Kinzville Academy. I’m going to do my best to get what I want this year.


The first thing: I’m going to make this year’s Valentine’s Day Dance better than ever before. How? You’ll have to wait and see. But let’s just say: there will be lots of fairy magic in use!

56 Responses to THEY Deserved a Vacation?

  1. Softball girl says:

    i dont no. i really really really dont like purr-cilla but if she stops being her then the storys woodnt b interesting but im NOT saying the way shes acting is right!!!!!!!!*GO GOLD*

  2. chihuahualover says:

    don’t even try purr-chilla

  3. rainbowPOTM says:

    please don’t do it Purr-cilla!

    see U soon,

  4. 7777 says:

    I’m glad Ganz thinks is a good idea to promote this kind of behavior to young children. =/

  5. PK900 says:

    No, they didn’t. The ‘Kinz are waaay too perfect for something like that….

  6. I dont know says:

    yo im about to get a ice fawn and fire fawn or a pearl pup and something else peace to all
    add me at leosbird on webkinz (:

  7. dune456 says:

    I agree with addison. Every group has that one person who is the negitive nelly. But it’s important to have that person as well as the good ones. She’s helping them to grow. Wheither their learning how to stand up for themselves, or learning to over-come the obsticiles she’s putting in their ways. I love Nafaria. She’s one of my favorite webkinz.. And I don’t dis-like purr-cilla, just her actions.. I agree with the person that said she can’t change unless given the chance. But purr-cilla might take that chance to do some more trouble!! We’ll see.. Dune Girl

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