Chat with Ms. Birdy & Dr. Quack – 1

7 Responses to Chat with Ms. Birdy & Dr. Quack – 1

  1. jokoopa says:

    hurry up we need to find those eggs so do not panic! and do not give up finding them!

  2. Wishtuli says:

    Is Ms. Birdy and Dr. Quack married yet? When i first began my magnificent adventure of webkinz, i thought they were married. and why does Ms. B have a neck? seems to make her all the more creepy! :lol:

  3. yellowhedgehog17155 says:

    wow this is the first time I’ve clicked the wrong one!

  4. leah7bear says:

    i really don’t like how they changed how Ms. Birdie looked… :(

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