Chat with The eStore Three Goats – 1

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10 Responses to Chat with The eStore Three Goats – 1

  1. arianatootlebug says:

    THEY’RE SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Laurelgirl says:

    Darn it! I cannot afford the goats! I have 0 E-points!

  3. adara917 says:

    those crazy goats!

  4. Laurelgirl says:

    Yeah it looks fun Betsy29 but how do you do it?

  5. Laurelgirl says:

    How do you chat?

  6. cocabean2003 says:

    hi goats you are so cute

  7. betsy29 says:

    Haha! This is so funnnnn (:

  8. gp8pet says:

    come on goats

  9. tomastoma says:

    Hei! How are you, today?

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