♥ ♥ ♥Webkinz Fairy Godmother ♥ ♥ ♥

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ♥ ♥ ♥Webkinz Fairy Godmother ♥ ♥ ♥

This topic contains 2,546 replies, has 340 voices, and was last updated by  Atomton 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #776909


    Welcome my Webkinz Friends! So glad you decided to stop by and most will be happy you did. I decided to start my very first forum. Is there an item you just want so bad? An item that seems so far out of reach, because no one will trade you for it? Or, you’re just too new to Webkinz and don’t have much? Well you’ve come to the right place!!! Your Fairy Godmother is here to help. I have lot’s of stuff and NO I will not be listing what I have (you couldn’t handle it) LOL. All you have to do is make your wish here and If I have It, you just MAY receive It. And yes, you can make more than one wish. And everyone is welcome, everyone has a clean slate here. Only payment that I ask for is a sincere Thank You. Warning: All ungrateful people will be put on a list. Thank you for stopping by and “May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor.”

    1. #808658

      Hi, Im looking for some psi. none in specific, i just really want to trade for some. There is an extremely rare psi called the cedar toy trunk psi that is really out of what i can afford and you probably dont have one, but id really like to trade for one.

    2. #808661


      Hi Becky, Could you please send me the wedding dress and the veil, so my elephants can get married? And thank you for sending my mom (Ariel1823) the jumbo jungle shower and the elephant statue I was so happy when my mom sent them to me. Thank you your friend Ariel 0423

      • #810043


        Hi Becky, thank you so very very much for sending me the wedding dress and the veil and thank you for sending me the tuxedo what a wonderful surprise. Now my elephants can get married. Thank you for making my elephant’s day so special. Thank you. Your friend ariel0423

        • #810457


          Oh hi Merne0423- such a sweet thing your elephants are getting married and dressing up super cute! Can I make a wish and you invite me to the wedding? I have never seen a webkinz wedding before- thank you super much- crissy135 #solvetheneontutu

      • #810039


        Hi Becky, Thank you for the bed you sent me what a surprise it was to receive such a nice gift from you. My sister Ariel0423 was so happy to receive her gifts. thanks again you are such a wonderful person. Your friend Ariel1818.

        • #811045


          Your very welcome : )

    3. #808657


      Thank you for starting this thread. I’m working on my last room so I don’t have much to offer which makes it hard to get the last few pieces I need. I need a Majestic Dog Mansion, Fancy Tea Service, Countryside Gazebo, Charming Charcoal Easel, and a Royal Guard Station. If you or anyone could help out that’d be great. Also, I was wondering if you take donations? Since I’ll be done my house with this, I have a few old psi that I won’t need and I’m sure you could put them to use.

    4. #808648

      goodness I feel terrible becky I just got the dress you sent me and someone else gave me one too is it ok if I send it back??

      • #810019


        Yes, please do send the dress back. I sent you the little head piece that goes with it. Did you like it?

    5. #808643


      Hi Becky! I got your present and I told my sister and she was SOOO happy for me and then I called my friend and said I got my present so she went on and saw that she got her present! Thank you for the present!!!!! I also got this really cool outfit and it’s pink and black and it is SO pretty. My messages said that I got it sent from the estore! Did you do that with your magic? Is it the something I wanted that you like too? If it is then I love it even more and if it’s not then I still love it and my sister loves it and thank you! The outfit is so cute and Becky will be so pretty wearing it(if I get her). And my mom said if my sister doesn’t get me the mocha pup that I can earn money and buy it myself. Thank you for the zipline and maybe the outfit too if you sent it!!! -sunsurfer

      • #810020


        You are welcome. And I believe that was from the other fairy’s ; ) I told them what a sweet girl you are and they wanted to send you a special gift because you said you liked them too. I haven’t sent my special gift yet for Becky. Still working on it.

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