Anyone need an aquamarine gem car?

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Anyone need an aquamarine gem car?

This topic contains 27 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  Pearl243 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #740100


    Hi everyone! I have an aqua gem car that I’ve been trying to trade FOREVER! I really need priceless or promo clothes for it because I am pretty low in that area right now. If you don’t think that’s fair, I have plenty of PSI and I can add to it so that will make it fair. PLMK! Thanks! (:

    1. #814613


      Hey everyone! I still have the Aqua gem car and I really need to get rid of it! I still need promo clothes or priceless clothes but I can always add PSI and other valued items :) PLMK!! TY!

      • #815013


        Hello! I’m interested in your gem car, but am wondering if clothing is all you need for it. I have a few priceless, but I’m kind of picky about trading them. Let me know if there is anything else you need, and if not, if you would make a list of which priceless clothes you need, that would be great. Thanks! –Maddie :)

    2. #781320

      i would reallly love it too!! here is my trading list if u weren’t already trading w/ someone
      Ketchup bottle costume/hat
      Craving candy hat
      Watermelon top and skirt (the estore one from the mystery bag)
      3d glasses
      big black boots
      green kinz kringle hat and pants
      scare crow costume
      spring celebration shoes
      Rockerz punk pants
      Rock and roll jumpsuit top
      Turkey hat
      Cloud adventure hat dress and shoes
      Movie star white dresses
      Sleepwalking hat
      Rocker flower power sandals

      Winged piano
      Gold safe
      Hot air balloon
      Nafaria’s stained glass window
      Marshmallow seeds
      Plumpy’s chair and desk
      Trading card bed
      Fairy high consul thrown
      Strawberry jamming juice box
      2011 tour van

      • #785906


        Hi! I really need your Ketchup costume! What is your username so I can add you? Then we can meet up and trade! Thanks!! :)

      • #815041


        I’m interested in these items (Furniture, Winged piano, Nafaria’s stained glass window, Plumpy’s chair and desk, Trading card bed and 2011 tour van). what would you like for them? friend me, UN jami912….

    3. #781321

      oh and its my birthstone too :) if ur already trading w/ someone i understand but plmk :)

    4. #779552


      If you could send it, send it to Emilycat2011on webkinz ! what do you need??? I have a ton of rares! I’ll try to find some promo clothes.

    5. #771980


      I’d love it!

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