Anyone wonder if Hamsters will retire too!?

Home Forums Mazin’™ Hamsters – Archives Anyone wonder if Hamsters will retire too!?

This topic contains 7 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  alienzoox 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #690571


    I have seen posts of people concerned that as well as caring valley they will end up doing away with the hamsters. It has been a long while since they have updated any of it here on Webkinz Newz. What do you think?

    1. #718808


      If new prizes, mazes, and t6rophies were available, we’d all race more often

    2. #718335


      I really hope not. Even though nothing new has been added to Mazin Hamsters in awhile like items or prizes in Mazin Mall, Key Craze, and other Challenges, I still really enjoy playing it. The hamsters are adorable! I like designing my own mazes, and the prizes and items that are available are neat. I wish they hadn’t removed some prizes like the pedestal trophies and hamlet globes. I wish more time and creativity were devoted to coming up with new things for Mazin Hamsters as opposed to Webkinz Friends, Amazing World, and Tail Towns Friends.

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