Atomton's Biggest and Best Trade List Yet. #4!!

Home Forums Questions – Archives Atomton's Biggest and Best Trade List Yet. #4!!

This topic contains 145 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  MEGMEGEST08 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #843218


    Exclusive: Egyptian Window, Holographic Globe, Circus Ball Trampoline, Yellow Plasma Ball, and Moon Rover. Christmas: Reindeer Bobblehead, Candy Cane Couch, Santakinz Sleigh Ride Coaster Halloween: Scary Spector Wall Sticker, Jack O’ Lantern Wall Sticker, Webkinz Mummy Poster, Horrifying Halloween Walls/Floors, Creepy Cursed Chairs X3, Super Scary Stove, Green Ooze Puddle, Bone Chilling Fridge, Frightening Fireplace, Haunted House Table, Ghastly Graves X4. PSI: Artic Window (Polar Bear), Love Pond (Love Frog). Webkinz Newz: Cream Colored Toy Box, Love Topiary, Glowing Coffee Table, Wacky Hot Air Balloon, Friends of the Earth Trophy, Virgo Symbol Wall Decoration, Scorpio Symbol Decoration X2. This is all I have to trade as of this moment. I will post my wishlist shortly. I am looking for fair trades. Hopefully someone will like something. All trades will be through KP, you send first, i send after. I promise! Peace and let the trading memories begin.-Atom

    1. #845371


      I would love the Ace of Clubes Divider! I will send you the Couch as soon as I long on. Thank you very much. This is great.-Atom

    2. #845310

      post on here ya’ didn’t see: yes I need the couch, for my elf room to make it like 4 square couches. So for that my rares: Neo gothic side table, Wild west chair, Ace of clubs divider. I only have a berry market fridge. What do you think? Sorry this is hard

      • #845399


        I sent you the couch. I like the ace of clubs divider from your list. Thanks for trading and being such a good friend! :) -Atom

      • #845451

        Not chair, train

    3. #845309


      I no longer have the yellow plasma ball and the moon rover. I sent those to true2myword as part of the thankyou present I sent. Everything else is the same.-Atom

    4. #845111


      Hi everyone, is the Pink Punch Cheeky Dog Contest over? They are advertising it but when I went to page they said no current contests. Help! I am confused. I always do them for moneyz and a chance of getting another POTM. TTYS-Atom

      • #845392


        No I don’t think it’s over but I’m not sure.

    5. #845070


      Here is an update of what I have now because it changed slightly. I don’t know i think I want to keep the heart hot tub, DF do you have an extra one of that to trade with the member on Webkinz World forum? Ok so here is now the current list. Face Paint, Love Topiary, Ghastly Grave X4, Haunted House Table, Frightening Fireplace, Bone Chilling Fridge, Green Ooze Puddle, Super Scary Stove, Creepy Cursed Chairs X3, Cream Colored Toy Box, Glowing Coffee Table, Wacky Hot Air Balloon, Candy Cane Couch, Horrifying Halloween Walls/Floors, Moon Rover, Fabulous Staircase Slide, Wacky Zingoz 600 Trophy, Artic Window, Virgo Symbol Wall Decoration, Yellow Plasma Ball, Webkinz Mummy Poster, Scorpio Symbol Wall Decoration X2, Haunted Painting, Scary Spector Wall Sticker, Jack O’ Lantern Wall Sticker, Reindeer Bobblehead, Holographic Globe, Egyptian Tomb Window, Poco Fiesta Throne, and Paper Tiara. Those are the 31 different items I have to trade as if right now. My stock can change without notice as I post other places and yes go to the trading room to see what i can get. TTYS-Atom P.S. What is the Divine Dresser from? I traded for it, I gave the Egyptian Wallpaper (WKN Prize). I don’t know where it is from but I thought it would be better than the wallpaper. Oh and I got 1,000 KC coin just for the Pink Pony Dress. Now I have 34,000 something KC! Horray longest I went without spending most of it!!-Atom

      • #845290


        33,280 I bought a rare item for 1,000 KC. I really like it. One step closer to finishing Pretty Princess theme.-Atom

      • #845473

        Hi Atom. I would like your paper tiara. What else do you need to finish your Princess Theme room? ~MORHB~

        • #845616


          Aw Man, I just traded that. I didn’t think anyone would like it. I traded it for the fall floral dress. Is that another bad trade. But Mom, I need almost everything except rug, flower, 1 window, candles, and yeah. I don’t really know names. I feel really bad. Anything else I can get you.-Atom :( :(

          • #846193

            No problem Atom. I will send you a couple things from the Princess theme anyway. TTYL ~MORHB~

            • #846439


              Thanks Mom! That is so sweet of you. But really please list a few items for me to look for you or your boys. You have done so much for me. TTYS-Atom

        • #845617


          Oh and I didn’t see this post last night and I was on here until 10 o’ clock! Maybe backlog by Ganz? If I would of saw it sooner I would have held it for you. I am very sorry about that. Maybe you will get lucky and get it soon. I didn’t know how much that and face paint would go so I traded them for more money clothing. Sorry again.-Atom

      • #845684


        HI atom, i would keep the heart hot tub, it is a great PSI. I am working on helping you with a lot of the items you need, but it takes time for my friend to send hundreds of items to my accounts. Take care in that Scary Trading Room, LOL TTYL DF

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