Best Pet Outfits

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This topic contains 113 replies, has 55 voices, and was last updated by  penguin5 2 months ago.

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  • #858299

    Key Master
    1. #1106602

      Hi, Kitty! I love to dress my pets soo much! I dress my pet Lyric in a lot of things but my favorite one that looks good on her the best is probably her Priceless outfit.

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    2. #1098026


      i just do same colors and i made my signature fox look like a nerd its so cute!!!!!!!!!! ill show u guys through share center soon

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    3. #992681


      I have a orange and white cat with a blue ball gown with glass slippers from the clothing machine on webkinz. I also make my plush webkinz some clothing with a fashion kit I got. I think my best pet outfit had to be the frozen Anna outfit that I made about a year ago. I sewn together black and blue fabric, then I made a red cape, finally I tried it on Kitty (the orange and white cat) and it looked adorable! :) so far the frozen outfit is my favorite!

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    4. #982334


      My pet Sunset is a cotton candy pup. She likes to go for a more “too cool for you” look. She wears a striped hoodie, black jeans, black athletic shoes and a fedora. My pet Hearts the heat spaniel likes a pop fantasy look. She wears a pink and purple frilly dress, purple boots, and swirly antenna. My pet Lee the leopard likes a pop look. He wears a silver astronaut top, black jeans, and black shoes. Hope this helps! -dddccc

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    5. #960534

      Hey guys what should my signature arctic hare wear. every thing i try on her looks bad. you can recommend anything, even if i don’t have it i can trade for it . thanks!

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      • #961542


        Maybe something to do with snow, definitely. I am not sure what specific item though… Cool! Another lava dragon fan :D Awe, man I love those little guys. I have three right now, two used one new. I can’t decide on a name right now, but I have an overly happy one, a weird one, and another weird one. One wears a dark green hoodie and doesn’t like being around people. That’s the second weird one. Heeey, reminds me of myself :P Yeah, anyways, Their so cool, and that’s why this is my username XD I really like the others too, like the Splash Dragon, and Citrus Dragon. Maybe my user should’ve been “DragonTrio” or something like that, but oh well. What’s your most collected ‘kinz?

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        • #961582


          I love golden-hued things on my Signature Arctic Hare. I haven’t actually logged her on yet, so I haven’t had her try on any Webkinz clothing. I’m not sure if your Arctic Hare is male or female, but if it’s female, I think hot pink might look nice. I also like the look of silver. And, of course, blue looks good on nearly all arctic animals. As of now, I can’t think of any specific clothing items, but hopefully this can still help you out a bit, or at least help you get started.

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      • #1101201


        I have one too, and he looks terrible and everything but the investigator costume. I have to say he looks really cute and it.

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